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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Bitches be getting old, yo. xx
  2. Yeah, but 6 hours practise plus 4-5 hours driving adds up to a MUCH longer day than just nipping to toms. Even if it's not as expensive I'd happily pay for the convenience. Then again, I have a pretty cushy day job which means I can afford to do that. I'll look to give the new place a try sometime, probably when we need a last-minute slot and Tom's is full. It'll be nice to have an alternative, but I really like Tom's. I like the gear, I like the space and I like the people. Only downside is that cost does add up, but that's just Aberdeen for you. That actually ties back to what I've said time and again, I don't understand why anyone would stay in Aberdeen unless they were directly benefitting from the Oil industry up here because everything from property to practise spaces are a fuckload more expensive than most other cities in the UK! xx
  3. I prefer that kind of cuntery to the FML trend which has mercifully died out, now. xx EDIT: It's probably more annoying because it's always really inane shit that sparks this adoration of one's own existence, though. "GTAV and a Domino's pizza. Life is amazing."
  4. Ahhhh OK. See, I've been avoiding the Breaking Bad thread because I'm not up to speed with the latest season - waiting for the finale to air then going to binge-watch as I can't stand waiting week-by-week for episodes. I'm sorry, otherblackguy. But regardless, when Gus was brought in to the show, he was the only black guy. So for a while it was true. xx
  5. ..What's his reason for watching the show...? #missingsomething xx
  6. Cool Thinker in "Funny post" shocker! xx
  7. I once shaved my eyebrows off for a steak pie and a tin or Irn Bru, #bro #story #cool xx
  8. I'd say it's half bus because volumetrically, the bus section is about the same size as the two train sections combined. xx EDIT: Plus, the bus is double-decker, meaning twice the seating capacity, so yeah probably about equal to both train sections combined.
  9. I'm trying to work out where I got to on the show. I had thought I watched up to the mid-season break in the last season, but I had a quick read of the synopsis on IMDB and can't remember ANY of it! I now think I'd be best watching the series from the start, but I've already spoiled a fuckload of it from my "catch-up" reading. Why are a dickhead, me? xx
  10. Needleman are about to start some recording again as of tonight and we quite fancy taking these tracks and putting out a split EP - anyone fancy getting in on the action? xx
  11. The Great Gatsby Baz Luhrmann bastardises a 20's backdrop and tells the story of a whimsical billionaire who wants to bang some married lassie. It's like a romantic comedy, without the jokes. It's pretty gripping in places, but it's also painfully beige in others. Overall, it's watchable but not great. The soundtrack is also pretty wank (but has one or two diamonds in the rough), in true Baz Luhrmann style. 2/5 xx
  12. If you're caught yawning in public they pour mayo into your mouth! It's almost completely unavoidable. Asking for "no mayo" or speaking out against the Great White Hope, as it's known, is punishable by being publicly waterboarded using Manneken Pis (the little pissing boy statue). xx
  13. Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, The Colosseum, The Guinness Factory (I know it's hardly an attraction to be compared to Notre Dame cathedral, but it's still somewhat underwhelming...), Burj al Arab and Burj Khalifa... Probably a couple more, too. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy visiting these places but with all of those I left with a sense of.. "well.. now I can cross that off the list..." rather than being actually impressed affected by what I've seen. Generally the "big attractions" aren't among the highlights of a holiday for me, but the Taj Mahal completely overwhelmed me - t'was amazing. xx EDIT: Impressed is a cunty choice of word. Affected is more accurate.
  14. It shouldn't be that hard to implement - you can chop and change between usb devices with no fuss. The "Central" block, where you're plugging stuff into, will send a querey to each device that gets plugged in and that device will say "I'm a speaker" or whatevs. The processor will then simply reassign the pins each time you start up/reconfigure the phone. xx EDIT: /retardproofrehashingofMatt'spost
  15. Afraid I'm a broon sauce man, mayo can lick my balls. xx
  16. Fantastic idea but I have a wealth of reservations about the practicalities of it. I'd like to see a working prototype where they show they can drastically reconfigure the blocks and still maintain functionality. I'd buy the shit out of one, though. I'd also hope they'd move on to a tablet design, too. xx
  17. As holidays go - I fucking LOVED Belgium. Lots of beer, beautiful city, museums etc aplenty and lots of beer. And beer. And waffles. Chips+mayo is fucking boaking though. I'd also recommend India because it's fucking gorgeous and cheap as a motherfucker once you're there. The Taj Mahal is the first and only "tourist attraction" I've ever been to that I wasn't underwhelmed by. xx
  18. That's it, close the forum down. Ca Gere has just condensed all the discussions into one post. xx
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