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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I came her to post that. I hate him so hard. Also, grown ups who type in arbitrary shorthand, skipping vowels at random to SAVE TIME. Cunts. Cnts. xx
  2. It'd be bad business sense if they didn't. Plus they're a great bunch of lads (all the best) in there. Suppose it'd boil down to whether or not head office let them do such things. xx
  3. Imported Instruments have those Yamahas. Only a bawhair more expensive than getting them online. I say we go in together and try to strongarm a discount on buying two? xx
  4. Guitars have ruined music and music has ruined this forum. xx
  5. I don't know if that's meant to be a euphemism for vagina, but it's totally how I'm now referring to ham wallets forever. xx
  6. When you go for a PSU, get this fucker: http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_powerplant_junior.htm Total steal and it's fully isolated. WIN. xx
  7. I noticed SodaJerk's soundcloud doesn't work either. Might be a problem on my end. xx
  8. Look at this insider backslapping dick sucking nonsense!! I'm out! xx
  9. Also - the link in the OP doesn't work now. Post more stuff! xx
  10. Why the fuck did nobody +rep this piece of genius? Fucking Philistines. xx
  11. Which signed punk band? Just curious. xx
  12. Did my +repping you mitigate your rage? I hope it did. I hope you're my friend again. VALIDATE ME! xx
  13. I couldn't disagree with you more. Shit music gets made fun of. Good music gets praised by those who appreciate it. Look at Fox as a prime example. He came on, just a kid with a guitar, people liked it and people said they liked it. I've torn strips off of people who I consider dear friends because I think they could do better, and I've praised total strangers because I enjoy what they do. This "pure bitter aberdonian gona reign on your fuckin parade" mentality just makes you sound like the bitter one. Upset because nobody patted you on the back. Not saying that's definitely the case, but it's how you (and the countless others who have said the same thing) come across. xx
  14. I have an older version of this: http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/r8 Can not recommend it enough. We hook up drum mics and live track the kit into that and it gives us a multi-tracked drum recording along with a live-tracked guitar guide. We then layer on guitar, bass then vox using the same unit. So simple and it has great results. FYI, if you want, I'm happy to bring my shit along to a practise with you guys and record the tracks for you. I can't mix for shit, so you'd be getting raw data back, but the offer is there if you fancy and my time is pretty cheap! xx
  15. Wonder what would happen on a Steam forum if a load of users changed their avatars to photos of one of the mods taken from their facebook page?! xx
  16. Basschat don't let you swear much. They also REALLY lose their shit when you quote users and change the text because people kept complaining. Larger number of users = higher chance of someone getting sand in their vagina. xx
  17. There's always the rural walks and all that noise. Bennachie, etc. There's a thread somewhere about rambling, I think. Assuming she's not a fatty. Fatties don't like to walk. xx
  18. FWIW I don't think the site is over-moderated. The flame wars and out-of-control threads are fun BECAUSE they're against the rules and always on the verge of being closed. That's the whole appeal. Nobody would read the shutterspeed thread if it was as long as the Pet Hates one. Other forums I post in have mods who edit posts and warn users for swearing too much. SWEARING TOO FUCKING MUCH. I've called mods on this forum cunts a few times (usually in jest) and not even had a slap on the wrist. Plus I've bought and sold a lot of gear and find it a really good platform for sharing my music with people who I'd have no connection with otherwise. http://youtu.be/BOVaPb2nVys xx EDIT: Almost forgot to mention the fact that I met both of the other chaps I'm currently in a band with via this site! It may not be as necessary as it once was since the facebook revolution but it's still hardly the fucking yellow pages!
  19. Totally forgot! Robert Knight Random Hand/Needleman gig @ The Moorings Last Saturday Prime Stalk. I think. xx
  20. I know that - but it's a gross trivialization of a great piece of work. xx
  21. That's like saying Reservoir Dogs is just a film with some dudes talking. He also forgot that the emphasis in season 3 is on rival groups of survivors, not just zombie fighting. In fact, the humans barely run away from zombies at all in season 3. xx
  22. That the boy who drummed when I jammed with you? Great bunch of lad. All the best. Moved back to Poland? xx
  23. Yeah, Robert Kirkman's whole inspiration for the series was to explore the human relationships and how "civilisation" would survive and rebuild after the zombies destroyed everything. Season 4 stil has some amazing shit from the comics to cover, too! xx
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