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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Ahhhhh NOOO please don't tell me Dexter sucks! I'm waiting for the last ep to air then gonna binge-watch it! Started Season 3 of True Blood. I'm not convinced, but it has it's moments! And just finished Season 1 of Hannibal and fucking loved it! Some weird holes in the plot, though! xx
  2. I haven't read your post but to be honest it makes no fucking sense. xx
  3. Didn't realise you were a Walking Dead fan. xx
  4. GONE to a new and very happy home! xx
  5. NOOOOOOOO! I'm in fucking Edinburgh for this! Make them play a second gig on the Thursday. Do it! Make them! xx
  6. Terms and Conditions. PUNX. xx
  7. Yeah, what Phil said. Jake, we'll happily get a copy pressed on coloured vinyl if you'll buy one for an inordinately large sum? xx
  8. Plan is to do it as a digital release, probably as a "pay what you want" affair. We'd love to pull in a few quid from it to help fund practises etc but since it's self-recorded we had relatively little outlay for it so we're more interested in having people listen to it than we are in making money. xx
  9. If you're sanding it, you're likely to get dust and flakes of shit into the threads. Be canny as a motherfucker. xx
  10. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/54380-digitech-whammy-4-for-sale/ xx
  11. Most of the songs have benefitted from Phil's input, I think. They've all had some jiggery-pokery and I'm really, really happy with the results! xx
  12. http://redironamps.com/amptrex.html BLAT! xx
  13. There's talk of me performing in some fringe shows so I'm busting out my acoustic and learning some shit for that. Also got a Needleman gig tomorrow and have some ideas for tunes floating about that I'm looking forward to bringing to the table. xx
  14. Stop being so hard on Milner, guys. I'm glad you're happy man! What's his name? xx
  15. I guess you're right. Those, after all, are ALL THE BLACK ACTORS. Have to resort to Robert Downey Jr in black-face like in Tropic Thunder. Wait, shit, RDJ is already playing Iron Man. Fuck it, with BlackFaceBlade in the lineup, The Avengers don't need Iron Man. Or Hulk. Or Cap'. Fuck it, just make Blade 4. xx
  16. Nah, this one is: http://www.farrakhanfactor.com/ xx
  17. I don't doubt that. But if you're seriously suggesting that you think The Rock playing Blade in The Avengers would have made the movie better, then you are a rapist. Ergo, I call you a troll because it's a little less hurtful than calling you a rapist. You rapist. xx
  18. Part of me wants to +rep you for that, but I refuse to reward your trolling. xx
  19. Quentin Tarantino playing Blade? Wouldn't look right at ALL! xx
  20. Fuck you. That's what foxes eat. xx
  21. Sounds on the whole like some rouge arsehole who works for CP being.. well, an arsehole. Rather than it being some kind of cunty policy or anything like that. I think. I hope. I like CP, I don't want them to be cunts. xx
  22. Slutbags is also bald. #LAAADS. xx
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