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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Presumably that's not the whole truth. Cat's Protection are so swamped with unwanted cats just now that I doubt they'd go out of their way to take one back in unless they had a GOOD reason to. xx
  2. If we're talking sandwiches, get to Delph's Bite Me Bistro on Rosemount and ask for a Panda Special. That's right, they named a sammich after me, bitches. All the meat, lots of cheese, spicy as fuck. It's amazing. xx
  3. I have a shaved head so I'll pin my colours to the bald mast. Still some pretty shoddy figures there, YA. davetherave- bald liam foyer- bald colb. really cant remember haha only met him once for like a minute alanbadge bald stroopy121 also cant remeber bigsby bald matthew 09 not there but not much hair nodavici does a bald spot count? you- not bald fatoy not bald robkevertson not bald ronz nope bern not bald 7/13 (~54%) are not bald. 2 of those are balding in some way, but even if we count those as BALD that's still only 8/13 (~61%) bald people. And that's VERY generous. THAT'S NOT 80%. I'm beginning to think that was just some kind of flippant, ill-thought-out comment made BEFORE you actually tallied up your research?!?! xx EDIT: Those figures also assume that I remember correctly that colb is bald.
  4. Even though it's singlecut with 'buckers? xx
  5. Steviepearce's custom tele. http://www.flickr.co...s/98497448@N04/ xx
  6. No worries man, I have another trade lined up anyway . GLWTS. xx
  7. BUT IT'S SO PRETTY! And they sound more single coil than bucker, IMHO. xx
  8. Just gonna leave this here. Will happily take her to you for a tryout? xx
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_-1l_SlA7c xx
  10. Currently watching Hannibal. Fucking boss. Love it. xx
  11. Awful. Absolutely awful. I fucking LOVE it!! DRILL DRILL DRILL DRILL! xx
  12. Trade for the Hofner I'm flogging? xx EDIT: This one - http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/54259-ftfs-hofner-contemporary-club-geetar/
  13. Bump. Will consider a tele as a trade? xx
  14. Didn't make me LOL, but I repped because this is awesome! xx
  15. Pirahnaconda and Sharktopus are pretty awesome too! xx
  16. I watched that Undercover Boss episode where there CEO of DHL was on there. The shit they have to get their delivery drivers to do to keep on schedule is fucking insane. I know a few guys who work in that kind of jobs and they are all on the verge of losing their licences because it's not physically possible to cover all the miles in a shift on time without breaking the speed limit. Madness. xx
  17. I did exactly the same - amazon prime, next day delivery. Took 3 days to arrive. Didn't bother complaining because, in the grand scheme of things, I clicked a button and some stuff magically fucking appeared on my doorstep. But yeah, prime is a waste of time and it probably won't be "next day". xx
  18. Why the fuck isn't this thread locked yet? xx
  19. You're wrong and you're a cretin. xx
  20. Bippity boppity bump. Tryouts welcome. Lovely low action and she holds her tuning really well. Also comes with padded a softcase/gigbag? xx
  21. Late to the Fuck Kanye West party but these are two of my favourites: "I don't need your pussy, bitch, I'm on my own dick." "Choke a South Park writer with a fish stick." He's not talented, he's a piece of shit. If you disagree, you're a piece of shit too. xx
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