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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. New band, you say? Anything in the pipeline? xx
  2. Oh fuck it really, really is. Absolutely horrendous, but given the premise of the film I think it was the perfect ending to such a masterpiece of filth. xx
  3. A Serbian Film. I had heard bits and pieces about but had no real idea what to expect other than THIS FILM WAS BANNED BECAUSE IT'S SICK AS FUCK! Porn actor Milo is hired by a mysterious stranger Vukmir to star in a new film project. Milo doesn't know what's going on, he's just told to react to these situations and to be himself. It progresses to show how the film is an extreme "art" project portraying being a victim. The content is extreme as fuck - including rape and paedophilia BUT in the films defense, it's really not that graphic in it's portrayal. You're under no illusion of what's happening but it's really pretty "tame" in it's sexual portrayals. Plenty of grindhouse-style blood and gore though and it twice caused me to actually shout HOLY FUCK out loud. If you can "legally" get a hold of it and you're a fan of grindhouse horror I really do recommend watching it - it's not the mindless child-rape fest it's made out to be. I found the plot to be pretty engaging and the characters were interesting as well as having some really good twists in there. Some of the dialogue is pretty terrible, though. Like, really bad. Hard to tell if it's just poor translation, though. 7/10. xx
  4. For the shopper on a tighter budget - I swear by these guys: http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD201-Lightweight-Over-Ear-Headphones/dp/B0007XJSQC xx
  5. Ah fuck, that's another part of the difference between the 4 little orange things - the ease with which they peel. Clementines are boss because they're easy to peel! xx
  6. I respect you all have a right to your opinions, but they are all horseshit and you're all racist cunts for having them. Clementines are the best. xx
  7. Clementines are sweet and have no seeds. Tangerines are sweet and have seeds. Nectarines are less sweet and have seeds. Satsumas are less sweet and have no seeds. It's something like that. Clementines are definitely the best, though. xx
  8. Friend of mine worked in Burtons and Topshop and had to wear clothes from there, but once every few months or so he got something ridiculous like a 75% discount for buying a "uniform". Seems like bullshit having to pay full price! xx
  9. I liked The Notebook, but I really don't think he was that great in it. Not a BAD performance by any means, but not exactly life-changing. I also think he was FUCKING TERRIBLE in Drive. xx
  10. Ryan Gosling. Well, Gosling fanboy/girls. I just don't get it. xx
  11. Stroopy121


    But by cave, did you mean vagina? xx
  12. Stroopy121


    Wow. So someone just took an old, racist piece of shit joke and changed the word Muslim to Taliban. Now it's not offensive because it only makes fun of bad people, right? xx
  13. That fucking awful "whisper" people talk in when they're in waiting rooms. YOU ARE BEING JUST AS FUCKING LOUD AS IF YOU WERE TALKING NORMALLY, SHITCUNT! The worst part of it is that all pops and hisses in their speech seems amplified, moist and clicky. Fucking horrible sounds. Especially when kids do it. If you're gonna have a conversation in a quiet room, JUST HAVE THE FUCKING CONVERSATION. Cunts. xx
  14. It was a while ago that I watched 3, but I do remember thinking the second half of the season was pretty woeful. The puppet episode of season 4 was pretty good, granted I can't remember many more highlights... It's a shame, because seasons 1 and 2 were absolutely amazing . xx
  15. Just finished Community Season 4, don't see why all the hate. I enjoyed it! Wasn't as good as 1 or 2, but probably better than 3 overall, I think. Or at least better than the latter half of season 3. Watching Parks and Rec season 4 just now - holy balls this show is amazing. Ron and April are two of my favourite sitcom characters ever. xx
  16. Just found out we were actually one of the bands who missed our slot in the days leading up to Tom's rant. Woods broke his arm and we each thought one of the others was going to call and cancel. Oops. We, like Teabags' lot, always square up the next time we're in too, though. And yes, Tom is a total gent. The staff at Tom's are one my the main reasons I prefer Tom's to MV. xx
  17. This video sums how I picture everyone contributing to gang vocals. xx
  18. That could sound pretty cool, but as it is I'm still coaxing backing vox out of Phil! I do think that something vocal over the outro would be a good addition, but haven't been able to work out anything that didn't sound shit. I keep wanting to just shout HEY.. HEY.. HEY, turn it into a total jock-rock ending! Thanks for the feedback though xx
  19. There should totally be a thread in the Lounge where all the funny deleted shit goes. That alone would be enough to make the membership fee worthwhile! xx
  20. Conceptually, I loved what 24 did with the real-timeness. BUT - I think cutting it down to 12 hours will make it a stronger season. Fleshing out a series to 24 episodes does get really fucking tiresome. This season is being half as long, ergo it's MORE PUNX! xx
  21. I think they'll kill Jack off half way through, so the season'll end prematurely. xx
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