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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Moonfish. Sounds like a purely seafood place but the steak there is 2die4! http://www.moonfishcafe.co.uk/dinner/ xx
  2. And Phil - I can DEFINITELY see a progression in the mixes. Especially on ADD. Top work. Also agree that we could maybe bring the verses down a bawhair to give more headroom to blast the guitar out? Or maybe layer in a second cleaner guitar tone on the chorus? xx
  3. The feedback is much appreciated. The reason a lot of the songs are so short is because I really REALLY hate listening to songs that drag on. Way too many bands take a simple song and add in unnecessary bridges, solos extra verses, choruses and middle 8's just to bring it up to 3 minutes long and it really takes a lot away. These are 3 of the 4 SHORT songs in the set, others are closer to the 3-4 minute mark. I think. Depends on how fast we play them tbh! xx
  4. I thought it sucked balls and totally lacked drama and suspense. Agree with everything in the spoiler too, especially the pic. Also, why the FUCK didn't Rick et al just LOCK THE FUCKING DOORS when Guv and the gang were down in the tombs?!?!? xx
  5. No, the boobs. Definitely the boobs. xx
  6. You really, really should be able to rep mod posts. xx
  7. This sounds amazing. I could well be up for this! xx
  8. Where in Aberdeen has optic broadband now?! I'm out in the sticks but still pulling 14MB though so I'm happy as a bastard. xx
  9. Agree with Philkaline in parts. Vocals have a weird accent, but I do like the tone and breathy niceness. Fuzzy tone isn't my bag, but it's not horrible. Otherwise, it's not bad at all. Bass is there, but needs a hoof up the arse, but it's otherwise well recorded and mixed IMHO. xx
  10. Zoom R16. 8 tracks of simultaneous tracking to an SD card. Also works as a USB interface. Not TOO expensive, really user-friendly and uber portable. Amazing. It's about the size and weight of a standard keyboard (as in the keyboard for a PC, not the musical instrument.) xx
  11. Flanagan's Bar in Elgin is a good wee venue. About the same size as cellar IIRC. Saw Bisongrass there not too long ago, but was completely and utterly minced so can remember precious little about the whole affair. Good setup and good sound though. HateEvent should be able to point you towards the booking folks there. xx
  12. TBH I think forking out for a decent multi FX then spending the slack in the budget on an amp might be a good idea. Means that when you want to upgrade your amp you'll lose less money, and also means that if you move into a gigging situation you'd be able to plug in your board and have all your pre-tweaked sounds ready to go. xx
  13. Do you have a guideline price on it? xx
  14. Oh. I thought it was a CONFIDENTIAL event. As in nobody gets to know what it is. xx
  15. Nah, the EE read this board so they can report it. xx
  17. Mysoginistic arseholes being arseholes. xx
  18. I'll take People Under the Stairs. Meet in town on Saturday? xx
  19. Nope. Picturehouse is remaining a separate entity. I asked the same question when I found out. Bent. xx
  20. I think I've been pretty sheltered in my cinema-going experiences as I've had minimal arseholery to tolerate. I tend to stick to going in the middle of a films run, and go for seating in the middle of the screen. Clatty cunts generally want to go to the back and want to see films when they're new. #B,CS. xx
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