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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Yeah, I 'ear cancer is pretty rough, too. xx
  2. I think it was Eupraxia...? Fuck knows where, though. xx
  3. Think about it though - the position of a band like UKJ is where every young musician wants to be. They have a dedicated cult following who will always come to their shows, they have a steady stream of income (from royalties), they can write and record at their leisure and can be fairly confident their record will get put out (or they could self-release pretty effectively). They can play all the major festivals. They are in a very enviable position in the "twilight years" of the bands life. If I could be in a band who reach that level at their peak, I'd be happy as a bastard! xx
  4. Didn't Wheatus sell a fuckload of tickets when they played tunnels not long ago? xx
  5. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia. xx
  6. +1 for Jameson's and Ginger. Lovely and smooth, could drink that for months. xx
  7. Caorunn is awesome, Blackwoods is good. I love Hendricks but it's got quite a specific taste. Not quite one of those things that you either love or hate, but it's certainly not universally adored. Tanqueray 10 is probably my favourite of the Gins. Also, Guinness is da bomb. xx
  8. +1 for good bourbon. Woodward Reserve, Wild Turkey or Maker's Mark are all awesome with coke (as Joda says, no diet pish) and a lime wedge. xx
  9. Depends on the rum tbh, more and more places are selling the likes of Kracken now though. Morgan's Spiced is baws, but Captain Morgan's is awright. Make a mission of getting blasted one night in the moorings asking the bar staff to give you random combinations of shit. Or point to random strangers who aren't drinking beer and say "I want what they're having." Also, Tia Maria and orange Lucozade = DA BOMB. xx
  10. Rum? Have you tried *good* gin? I.e. not Gordon's? try Tanqueray if you see it anywhere. Maybe with lemonade or soda rather than tonic? xx
  11. Have tried with both and had no issues, unfortunately this is now being traded to colb. xx
  12. I've already got an acoustic - sold a spare on recently actually. The UX2 is just an interface, you need to use something like ableton with it. I use Reaper with it (because it's free) and it works a treat. xx
  13. Dwight getting a concussion and "diversity day" are highlights among the early stuff. xx
  14. Sorry man, no interest in a synth pedal and HH amps aren't really to my taste. xx
  15. Her eyebrows creep me out when she talks. It's like they are operating completely independantly from her face. Open-source eyebrows. xx
  16. TBH that assumption is based purely on the fact that I've heard it described as an "up-and-coming" area. Plus The Kitchin is there, too. Looks like a gorgeous wee place and I have next to no experience of being there aside from driving through. Have only heard a few pretentious buzzwords attributed to the place and am consequently being a judgemental shitebag. The wife used to live there and says much the same as you, tbf. xx
  17. MotorPeterHead Prelude to the Huntly Iron Mintlaw MastaBridgeOfDon xx
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