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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I think that's pretty excellent. Reminds me of the Jim Jones Revue, only with better production! Love the backing vox. As for Leith, I always got the impression it was pretty... gap-yearish...? xx
  2. Standard problem with a newly opened restaurant though - they can never tell what's going to be popular in advance. xx
  3. Its awful. It's the shittest show ever. But I CAN'T EVER TURN IT OFF!!! Schmitt is such a funny character, the episode with the douchebag jar slayed me. I once heard a great description of New Girl: "It's this show about three guys who share a flat with a girl with Aspergers Syndrome." xx
  4. Handbrake on = phone out. Safety first! xx
  5. As Lucky said, there are 4 sets of weights visible. 1 photoshopped that he's lifting and 3 small sets in the mirror. It's really not complicated. xx
  6. Poor show, you'd have got 2x lad points for posting this mid BJ, And 10x for pixx. xx
  7. Nope. As I said, USB 3.0 is nice and quick and as for physical build quality, these things are generally fairly similar across the board. The only way to make it more reliable is to get solid state memory, but that'd cost a fucktonne more for being slightly more robust, but still not as robust as cloud storage a la dropbox. xx
  8. Touch over your budget, but getting 1TB for under £50 will be a stretch. A 512GB will probably cost about £45-50 so you're as well pushing up to nearer £60 for twice the storage. EDIT: Link. Derp. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Samsung-1TB-M3-External-2-5-Portable-Hard-Drive-USB-3-0-Black-/121020040214?pt=UK_Computing_HardDrives_RL&hash=item1c2d5b4416 xx EDIT2 - Also note that this is USB 3.0, which is fast as fuck. Massive step up from USB 2.0. If you have a USB 3.0 compatible computer, it'd definitely worth getting.
  9. Never seen nor heard of that happening before. Must just be 'Merican. xx
  10. I ADORE Family Guy etc, and I still thought it was fucking awful. I put it on wanting some nice, braindead comedy and even then was dissappointed. I "legally" downloaded it. So fucking happy I didn't pay for the pleasure of watching that fucking tripe. xx
  11. Ted Indefensible abortion of a film. 106 minutes of jokes that weren't good enough for Family Guy, Cleveland Show or American Dad. xx
  12. Just a thought - if a band wanted to do an "all ages" tour, then they'd probably end up playing a lot of village halls and that kind of thing. Or, for more punk/DIY shit, there could be a few gigs in back gardens and house parties et al. Those would definitely need a van, gear and a sound man, but wouldn't be particularly well paying! xx
  13. If I were you, I'd have a look into what hire companies charge for vans by the day/week etc. Use that as a base rate and add on whatever you think you're worth as a driver. Either charge per mile, per hour, whatever. THEN, take a look at the standard hire companies in Aberdeen (Toms. MV, Atmosphere) and similar in Glasgow etc, again get a baseline from there. If you do a bit of homework it should be easy enough to work out a base rate for hire based on the competition, since nobody would bother with your service if hiring a splitter from a dealer and a PA etc from somewhere else would be cheaper. You then gotta work out how much you're willing to get out of bed for as a roadie/engineer. If you can make it cost effective, it's a fantastic idea. Lump sum of £X up front, or £Y per day and you get all that shit sorted out. If the van had bunks in it, then you'd be a band's only real expense on tour other than food and drink! xx EDIT: It's worth considering, though, that many venues will have a backline and engineer supplied, so bands could be put off using your service because you won't be needed every night, but they'd still have to pay you. I know if I were booking a UK tour, I'd be trying to stick to venues with house backline and engineers to keep our costs down.
  14. Fuck, someone's getting a stoater of a bargain here! Hope whatever's come up isn't, y'know, awful as fuck. xx
  15. That was also an AMAZING flat. If we bought in the city, it'd've been there. xx
  16. Aberdeen Letting Centre were cool with us having a cat/cats, degus and guinea pigs when we lived at Whinhill gate. Great bunch of lads, weren't cowboy dickheads about deposits or anything. Office is on Golden Square. http://www.aberdeenletting.com/ xx
  17. What do you think the "sound barrier" is, CT? And what do you think it means to break it...? xx
  18. Totally understand why you would, but something like that isn't a small excuse IMHO. If this guy played the Moorings and played/sounded shit, I can't imagine you'd want him going away and spouting a bunch of crap about how awful the Moorings is to play? Actually, I guess you might, it'd thin the field a little and any band who know the city will know the score. Couldn't agree more. He was due to be playing with Dead Hermit Peepshow at our next Burlesque event, which would've been an amazing gig for them given it'd be gig number 4... but after seeing that shite we decided that since we worked our fucking asses off to get such a good reputation, there's no way we're taking on any performer who's known to trash venues and promoters. EDIT: Run off topic there - it's gutting that Magenta Lust will now have to play to a backing track rather than having the band there, and I feel awful for the rest of the band. Thankfully they are being really cool about it, if they find a stand-in guitarist then they are still on to perform. Just a shitty situation for everyone affected. xx
  19. Unfortunately not - the posts were deleted before I got a chance to screenshot them. One did get passed on to Hen though. xx
  20. In that case, it's your fault Chris. Before you stepped in, Woods and Joda meant the average height of band members was about 9 feet. xx
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