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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Gonna chime in and say that I got a setup at R&B (a few years back now, mind) but the guitar I took in played like balls, the action was a mile high and it wouldn't keep its tuning for more than about 30 seconds of regular play. It was an absolute shit box. Setup from R&B - thing played grand (although I wasn't the most experienced or discerning customer, granted) and all the major issues had been worked out. Didn't cost much, either. Around the £20-£30 mark IIRC. I've also heard amazing things about Kinellar guitars, although haven't worked with them personally. And would give a big +1 to Neepheid suggesting you get on youtube, look for some tutorials and give it a wee try yourself. Just be gentle, and if you make it worse, THEN take it to a pro . xx
  2. It's probably an america idea, and they have different months to use. Timezones and all that. xx
  3. Disappointed. I really wanted Das Mcmanus to win Best Newcomer and Worst Band. xx
  4. Just seen some rants from Obscenties/Dead Hermit Peepshow guitarist, Moray Jaundice, on facebook ripping into tunnels, drummonds, the organisers & promoters and sound guy (calling him Skrillex, whoever that is?). Seems like a really fucking dumb thing to do in a city as small as Aberdeen. I've made it known that I now have no interest in working with him and I assume that'll be the same for most/many other promoters in the city now. Surely if you have gripes with a venue or promoter there are smarter ways to air them than to publicly start ripping into them? No real point to this thread, just wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion on this kind of thing? If you played a shit gig, would you blame, name and shame the venue/sound guy/promoters? xx
  5. Engineer. We have flexi-time at the office, meaning that as long as you do your 7.5 hours a day, you can pretty much come and go as you please. You can also work extra mon-thurs and have a half day friday, if you want. My hours are pretty much dictated by the fact that I play chauffeur for my wife. xx
  6. I've noticed some quotes appearing where the username being quoted is absent. Is this because people is dickhead and are deleting the wee box with the username and datestamp when they quote or something else entirely....? xx EDIT: I tried quoting Jan and deleting his name but it automatically reappeared when I posted. Maybe this problem has already been solved, or something. I R CONFYOOZD.
  7. Magnificent. In that case, I have no gripes or grievances with the new site. Cracking job. xx
  8. Overall I really like the new layout but I do have one gripe. What I liked about the old setup is that I could "watch" the most-used threads (LOL Pics, pet hates etc) and get alerts when they were updated. The new layout seems to only email me when my sub'd threads are updated - I don't like this. I don't want emails I just want my alerts/notifications thing to flash when watched threads are updated, or when I'm quoted, like the old system. Is there a way to make this happen? xx
  9. New Alkaline Trio record en route! FUCK YAS!! I dunno how you embed videos any more. xx EDIT: AHHH ace, you just have to type the URL and it does it automatically. New website WIN.
  10. Can't you sign up for text alerts or something? Surely such a service exists, then all you need to do is check your phone during pediodic wake-ups? xx
  11. WTF is this shit?! Since when do you drink anywhere that doesn't rhyme with Hoorings? xx
  12. I can't imagine any business as small as kilau would turn away nonstudent customers. xx
  13. Truth is, you always smell like that. Your sense of smell is just slowly returning to you. xx
  14. Totally agree - I think the lass who wrote the email is completely innocent, just an honest, if rather embarassing, mistake. I wouldn't be surprised though if the bigwigs brought down the hammer of Thor on folk who sent it out to other companies. xx
  15. I worked for a company which has something in the same ball park happen - but of a rather different nature. The MD sent emails out every month asking for employees to send in comments, questions etc for the upper management to address in the monthy newsletter. They also asked for jokes to be sent in. One employee sent an email back around maybe half a dozen co workers saying "biggest joke I know of is this company.." He was a contractor rather than a staff member, and his contract was immediately terminated as word got back to the MD. He went away on friday afternoon, his agency told him that weekend he wasn't required to go back. While publicly they may be playing it cool, I reckon for sending it out without trying to hide the company name, someone's getting fisted for this. Although I don't think the receptionist will get too hard a time from the powers-that-be, t'was obviously an honest mistake from her. xx
  16. Almost as badly written as 50 shades of grey. xx
  17. Just you wait folks. My psychic predicted a Helena Bonham-Carter / Michael Cera murder/suicide in March. Watch this space!! xx
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