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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Good as fuck. Trippy but still really engaging. Really enjoy it. xx
  2. Yeah - it's a weird one though. The whole console has a big design flaw - when the processor heats up, the board it's on warps (this is fairly normal with hot systems) and it moves the CPU away from the heatsink causing it to overheat. The overheating can damage solder connections. The towel trick absolutely cooks the inside of the console, re-melting the solder, then when it cools the damaged joints set, repairing that damage. The reason it's risky is when you're baking the console you can damage other components, but if you're lucky and everything survives, it works in the short term. xx
  3. Trying to fix the heatsink manually. I bought a refurbed one for about £40 so it has no warranty etc on it - I've already had my money's worth from it, so I 'm enjoying the challenge of ripping it to bits and fixing it. xx
  4. My xbox is actually a semi-dismantled pile of bits just now due to red ring. xx
  5. Reminds me a lot of the Pixies so far. Definitely not a bad thing. Mix sounds good, I think the snare could be a bit punchier though. The bass also seems to disappear a bit when the guitar comes in - maybe try giving it a hoof in the arse as it has quite a nice tone. Nice thick muddy guitar tone, not my bag but it works well with the style of the music. Seems to go a bit arse-about-face for a second at 5:10. Vocals seem to be clipping during the third tune as well. For the most part it's giving a nice compressed tone but it does distort a little in places, not sure if that's what you're going for or not? This third tune is pretty early-white-stripesey, which I love. Nice and hooky. Loving the start of the last tune. Would happily come see this live. The lyrics are absolutely woeful, but in the most endearing way possible. "His ony biddy seen ma jacket? It's got hastily rendered pictures o yer ma twirlin on ma cock It's ma favourite jacket, without it a'd feel so bappit..." Seriously awful, but I can't stop smiling and I know I'll be singing that all fucking day. xx
  6. Just noticed a hole in the crotch of my work trousers while sitting at my desk. Thank fuck I started wearing underwear, I suppose. xx
  7. Totally missed this thread. Will give it a listen tomorrow! xx
  8. Fuck sake. I totally want one of those now. YOU SUCK PHILKALINE. xx
  9. Holy fuck Dexter season 4 has the most unbelievably amazing ending ever. Get it watched! xx
  10. Of course not - that's an extreme example. However, I'd probably have someone shouting at me for a moment that have to tolerate out of tune, shitty bagpipe playing audible along a massive chunk of union street. I feel so sorry for the poor fuckers working in the places across the road from that wanker. Although - I also think that the preachers and all those dicks should also have to apply for legal permission to be cunty. I just hate people. xx
  11. True, but if I walked up to strangers and shouted in their faces, that'd be harassment or breach of the peace or some shit. The argument in favour of busking is essentially the same thing. xx
  12. It's fairly common in a lot of big cities to stop fuckwits like that bagpipe cretin or guitar wifie making dischordant racket in the streets and expecting paid for it. xx
  13. Lovefilm might have em? xx
  14. Presumably it'll be like the first couple of series' of the x factor. Couple of council bods in a room will listen to you play and decide if you're allowed to busk or if you're too shite. EDIT: Might be the same setup as Edinburgh during the fringe where you can apply for a spot, etc? xx
  15. Judy Garland to Fuck via Toilet Bowl Cleaners. This website needs to link to spotify. xx
  16. Steps to Anal Cunt via Gina G. http://static.echonest.com/frog/?src=steps&dest=anal%20cunt xx
  17. Phase 1: Create LinkedIn profile Phase 2: ?????? Phase 3: ££££££ xx
  18. And most people who are killed in car accidents are sober - so driving drunk MUST BE SAFER?!??!??!???????!!!?!?!?!?!?!!??! xx
  19. I like to make an impression, but making a good impression is too much effort. xx
  20. Rats. Afraid it won't be before 3. How's Saturday for you? xx
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