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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Cool I can come by and pick it up today. xx
  2. Plus the population has fucking doubled since the '50s. Stupid, sensationalist pish. Statistics can be warped to say just about anything if you present them in the right way. xx
  3. Since a lot of our songs are fairly short, we need to flesh out and add at least one, ideally two to the repertoire before we start gigging. Cheers for the feedback xx
  4. Plus she's young and a unique pick. Big points if she snuffs it. I'm going for quality picks over quantity. xx
  5. Michael Cera is wishful thinking. Bonham Carter is just because I watched Alice in Wonderland last night and she already looked kind of dead. Mostly just random punts for funzies. xx
  6. PUNX. Cheers for the feedback . The more I listen to the two, the more I think ADD needs to be cleared up a little to bring it to the same standard as Hold Fast. I shall also try pushing Hold Fast a little harder when we next practise and see how it goes. I'm gonna sound like Tom Waits by the time I'm done. xx
  7. Isn't that Tommy Robinson in that photo...? xx
  8. Dead Lucky 1. Maggie Thatcher 2. Michael Cera (Joker) 3. Stan Lee 4. Prince Charles 5. The Queen 6. Ronnie Biggs 7. Zsa Zsa Gabor 8. David Hasselhoff 9. George Bush Snr 10. Nelson Mandella 11. Jerry Lewis 12. Glen Campbell 13. Chuck Berry 14. Mcauly Culkin 15. Pete Doherty 16. Kirk Douglas 17. Jim Davison 18. John Cleese 19. Helena Bonham Carter 20. Hilary Clinton xx
  9. Is this still going? Couldn't get a hold of you when I was in town? Don't suppose you're able to meet at Tom's tomorrow? Xx
  10. It really is da bomb! Can't recommend it enough. xx
  11. Just bought this cunt recently it's the Holy fucking Grail of home recording. I have a set of cheap drum mics, mic the kit and plug it into inputs 1-7, guitar into #8. You have a headphone out for monitoring. The gain knobs control recording volume, the sliders control monitoring. You record all 8 tracks simultaneously to an SD card, you can then just jump them into a DAW and BOOM, you have multi tracked recordings. Overlay bass, vox, redo the guitar if needed and you're done. I've always said drums are the WORST part of home recording. If you record the whole kit to one channel, it means unless it's perfectly mixed you're fucked. This way you can correct individual beats on single drums without too much effort. Also means you can send the full lot to a "professional" to mix and master it and will end up with pretty fucking meaty results. Best ~£200 I've ever spent. I'm actually considering whoring myself out - charging say £10 an hour to come to toms (or whereever) with this thing and a set of drum mics and recording drums+guitar demos, give the band the wav files for it and they can then do the rest of the overlaying with something simple like a UX2 themselves. Would anyone be up for such a service? I know if I could have, I would!! xx
  12. If you find anything I'd like to call second dibs but I believe these kinds of spaces are in fairly short supply and usually come with waiting lists. xx
  13. I fucking love dogs. Same reason as Jake for not getting one tbh - cats can be left in the house alone all day and not give a shit. Doing that to a dog is mean as fuck. xx
  14. King of Queens is a weird one for me. Sitting here now, I think it's keech and can only thing of two redeeming features about it - Leah Remini's tits (LAAADS) - but whenever it's on, I can't switch it off. There's a strange phenomena with US sitcoms where they seem to be branded as being funny even though you can watch a 30 minute (23 minute or whatever) episode and laugh twice. xx
  15. Depends on the band. I only own band tshirts with one or two exceptions. I've had thousands over the years and some where piss quality - first wash and the artwork washes off, etc - but the majority have had pretty good staying power and only needed thrown out when I got too fat for them! xx
  16. I suppose the old style tags would be helpful for the search, that's the only useful function I can see them having. If the search is getting upgraded then it's probably not needed tbh. The @tagging, however, is an ace idea. xx
  17. Can't the mods see who adds tags? If they couldn't before, could a system be introduced where tags tracked who added them, so if folks did use them to troll too much then they can get warned, banned, etc.? xx
  18. Hold Fast is up now, have a listen and let us know if you like it, folks xx
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