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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Baws man! Didn't realise your hand was mauled quite so badly! Hope you get better before you sell this bad boy! Free bump. xx
  2. I shall get back to you with a make - they're a set of drum mics I bought from a friend on the cheap. Problem lies with how I recorded it - I didn't gain them enough (as I was scared of them clipping). Next time I'll know we have much more headroom. Good to hear feedback on the vox - that song has a cunt of a melody which I've been chopping and changing on the fly a lot, in order to accomodate the offbeat strumming while I sing. I'm happy with the chorus but I do agree that the verse needs to be a little sharper and I think Soda got the nail on the head. Tighter vocal melody and more kick/snare and I think we'll be there. I also agree with Old Gold in that it's not exactly a world-changing song. It's one of our more simple tunes layoutwise which is why it's the first recorded. It's a fun song to play and I hope once we get the final mix sorted it'll be a fun one to listen to . xx
  3. Y U no give me a capital S? Seriously though, looking forward to hearing what y'all think. xx
  5. My bad - I meant the pedal was giving me electric shocks. I've had 10kV go through me once, that stung. Tiny little current so no real effects other than a severe ZAP. Sucked though. Pedal is now sent back to sender for a refund anyway. xx
  6. Is electrocution necessarily fatal? Getting electric shocks from, then. Plate voltage is shorting to the signal lines, somehow. Arranged to send it back to seller, all is well. xx
  7. I would but the pedal doesn't work and it'll fuck my other gear. My theory is that a valve has been fucked in transit and the plate is shorting to the signal lines. xx
  8. Are R'n'B or II open tomorrow? Does either have an amp tech I can talk to? I keep getting electrocuted by a tube preamp pedal I just bought. xx
  9. Amazing! We got one from pets at home, about the same money but nowhere near as complex! Might have a look at the funds after xmas! xx
  10. WANT! Where from? How much? (if you don't mind my asking) xx
  11. Fuck, I was just about to come on and call dibs on that monitor. Baws. xx
  12. That'd be on my list too, but I'm well aware it won't happen. Realistically I'd like to have a Needleman EP recorded and released and have the band start gigging in early 2013. I'd also like to have the first issue of the comic I'm scribbling away at put together by the end of 2013 which should be doable if I continue current (slow fucking) progress. Otherwise, I'll be finishing the "graduate scheme" at work and becoming an engineer, rather than a graduate engineer. That'll be nice. xx
  13. One nights free rehearsal for a year? Would that be one night a week, you mean? And the same for the runners up? By runners up, you mean just second place? Or everyone who enters? What's the charity you're raising money for? xx
  14. Ace-ic: JakeBassist's epic trolling. xx
  16. Just finished Sons of Anarchy season 1. The first half of it was just fairly standard "outlaw bikers are outlaws" chat, but the latter half of the series actually developed into a pretty good plot line. Really enjoyed it. Recommended. Next up - Dexter season 4. xx
  17. Good point- who the fuck EVER has left over big mac??! Unless you buy like 6 of them when you're pissed as fuck and fall asleep after the first 5?? xx
  18. You're so wrong. Spicy as fuck curry, the next day, eaten cold, is BOSS. None of that temperature shit to get in the way, just pure spicy heat. WIN. xx
  19. Couldn't agree more, the man is a fucking hero. Had never heard that show before today so I sat at my desk, headphones in eating my soup and giggling. T'was a good lunch break. xx
  20. Genuine LOL when I read that. It's funny because everyone hates Jake. xx
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