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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Yes. If you constantly keep reminding me about it. Yes. xx
  2. What the fuck is in the boot? Looks like she's trying to pop a wheelie! xx
  3. Worst.Gif.Ever. Sort your shit out, Giles. xx
  4. HateEvent (I think). He's a car guy. LADS. It's weird, for as much of a tech/machinery nerd as I am, I've never been much into cars. xx
  5. Call them and ask the receptionist to give you a voice tour. Or, if they seem friendly and are moderately technologically competent, give them your mobile number and ask them to send you a picture. Can't hurt to ask. xx
  6. This cunt arrived today. Multitrack recording!! Fuck yeah! It's also farcically portable! http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/r16 xx
  7. Turns out they do. As do flamingos. xx EDIT: Not flamingos. Ostriches Ostrii
  8. Good thread. Will hopefully start uploading my doodles n shit here soonish. Maybe. xx
  9. You described yourself looking like AEWs avatar. xx
  10. I certainly hope to be there, unless I forget about it completely because I am dickhead. xx
  11. That article is hilarious. Basically, mostly not. They have little nubs which they rub against the girl bird for half a second or so. Their balls get HUNDREDS OF TIMES LARGER during mating season. I fucking well want to see that, someone post a picture of you can find one! Preferrably an african or european swallow looking like he's carrying coconuts. Some Big Birds do have dicks though. xx
  12. Maybe. My mother-in-law uses a dongle (LOLZ HURR HURR HURR) so I'm asking her if it's rolling or fixed (HAHA OMGZ LOL DICK JOKEZ) and how much it costs etc. Will post if/when I get a reply. xx
  13. Do birds have dicks? EDIT: Birds, not BURDZZ LADS! Don't want to google "birds dicks" at work. xx
  14. Yes an S2 will do it, but yes you'll still get a shit connection. It'll actually be slightly worse than normal phone browsing. xx
  15. Yeah, what Scootray said. Basically, is this a Pay to Play affair? xx
  16. Care to offer a little more information about the competition? xx
  17. It actually works because your sleep-lungs are in your feet. When your body changes to "sleep mode" and you start to breathe heavier, it's because you're using the lungs in your feet. The government are trying to cover up knowledge of these magical organs for fear that the public will start insisting on softer pavements and other, potentially very expensive, precautions to be taken to protect the foot lungs. Damn government. FUCK THE SYSTSEM! xx
  18. How's the story mode? The trailers make it look ace! xx
  19. I really like the production. I'm not a HUGE fan of that vocal style so I liked it being in the back of the mix. Emphasis on RIFFS!!! The drums are ridiculously good for being done for free on a sequencer. xx
  20. Better get a record player on your santa list, Jake. xx
  21. Ahhhh I did wonder why DM appeared in his sig. Sounds like the hand has a little more than standard wankers-cramp? Any idea how long you'll be out of play for? ????xx
  22. Brace for best live act (fuck knows if they've played a Fudge show, though.) xx
  23. Also - what is the soundbyte at the end of David Lamb from? It's fucking ace! xx
  24. This is fucking cunting. Peur fucking cunting. Excellent work. xx
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