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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Exactly. 6 strings are for fucking benders. xx
  2. Out of curiosity, do you feel the same way about 7 string guitars? xx
  3. That was an Irn Bru up the nose lol. Excellent. His meat in the plain bit and his veg in the fruity corner? xx
  4. I bet that Lightfoot cunt has punched at least two of his girlfriends BURDZ. xx
  5. I can't stop giggling at the wording here. Excellent work. xx
  6. Oh dear christ I totally forgot about that online dating one! Fanny in a barrel! Fucking LAARVE IT! xx
  7. He also looks like a young, skinny Peter Kay. xx
  8. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/are-your-bandmates-a-little-too-casual.54008/ http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/inappropriate-behaviour.53247/ xx
  9. Jake - as much as your main present post there made me laugh, if you troll my thread I'll steal your cat. Holy fuck, I forgot about G-Dawg. So gutted I missed that podcast he did, I couldn't get a space to watch for love nor money. He needs to organise filming a live DVD or something. xx
  10. Tonight: Fuck all. Probably watch some Dexter. Tomorrow: Skene Life Drawing in the afternoon and I imagine more Dexter at night. Sunday: Dr Sketchy's Non-Denominational, Secular, Enviornmentally Conscious, Socially Responsible Winter Solstice Cabaret Special @Cellar 35 from 2-5 followed by Gutter Lane at Slains in the evening. xx
  11. This has to get an honourary mention. Can't believe that was fucking May 2011?! xx
  12. I offer up these as a starting point: http://aberdeen-music.com/threads/birthday-presents.53111/ With this post causing quite the commotion. Another highlight is, of course: And for the ensuing discussion... xx
  13. Stu Hamm plays a 5 periodically. I don't have much love for 'em personally, but if you're playing stuff that requires you to go beyond drop-d tuning then it makes more sense to use a 5-string (or at least use BEAD strings..) than to drop tune and have a horrid, rattly, clacky sounding cunt of a thing.. #vaginajoke xx
  14. Wasn't that in the Quick Questions section? Someone should start a "best post of the year" poll. Not me, though. Someone. xx
  15. There's an onboard pre-amp in the bass. Amps need controllers. Since at most venues, bass gets DI'd into the PA, having onboard electronics means a bassist still gets to control his tone. This from the man who's pedal board is larger than him....? #BURN xx
  16. So it can bring 125% of the FUNK! xx
  17. If you're able to nudge your budget up a tad, you'll be able to get one of these bad boys! xx
  18. So which season is Breaking Bad up to now? It was airing season 5 and stopped midway through? Or is there just one concluding episode to be aired? xx
  19. I, uh, sky plussed the first half of Walking Dead season 3. About 5 episodes in now. I forgot how fucking amazing this show is. Recently finished Breaking Bad season 3 and Dexter season 2. xx
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