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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. He's a total fucking dickhole, but I think that's part of the appeal for me. I love the fact that show doesn't put the protagonist on a pedestal and make him save kittens from housefires and shit. It makes the character seem more real. xx
  2. Train is a very smart move actually. xx
  3. Driving you're usually around the 20 minute mark, assuming it's weekday traffic, I'd roughly double it to be safe with a bus, so give yourself 45 mins to be safe would be my recommendation. That is total fucking horseshit for a 2 mile trip, you'd be faster fucking walking, but that's my experience from driving out that way. xx
  4. Your puns are ace. You're a Star, David. xx
  5. These shit jokes are insulting to both religion and comedy, you pair of palestines. xx
  6. I'd have accepted a Hanukkah Album. xx
  7. Old Gold, y u no do a Kilau Christmas CD this year? Is Kilau still closed on little belmont? xx
  8. I have a power jazz special and it's the fucking MAN. Total workhorse of a bass. If you want a tryout in the short term, holla. xx
  9. Rec A local news anchor takes her video camera and follows a local fire crew for a night. They get a callout to a disturbance in a building but minutes after they arrive, the building is sealed and quarantined as there is an unknown "contamination" in there. It's essentially a zombie film, but it's fucking excellent. Highly recommend it. The film avoids most horror cliches really well until the closing few scenes which are shot in the obligatory first person night vision. 9/10 Rec 2 Picks up minutes after the end of the first and continues the story as a SWAT team are sent in along with a doctor to collect evidence/samples and check for survivors. Since the background has been set out in the first one, there's no time wasted in jumping straight in to the plot. It's a little more "standard" in it's format than the sequel - the team negotiate the building and zombies jump out and go AAAAHHHHH! and scare the fuck out of everyone. Fills in the back story really well, my only big critisism of it is while the first had a fairly believable plotline, as the story develops it runs close to getting a bit ridiculous. Can't really say more without spoiling the plot. Cracking sequel though and definitely worth a look. 8/10 xx
  10. It's definitely worth keeping an eye on the classified section over at basschat.co.uk. Often some cracking bargains there. xx
  11. Plus one on the used G+L recommendation. Fantastic instrument Xx
  12. Pet Hate: When you're buying something inexpensive with a £10 note and whoever is on the till acting like you've just aborted their 8 month old fetus with a rusty hammer. I get that not having any change is inconvenient for you, but the only way to obtain cash is at the cash point over there that only dispenses £10 or £20 notes because you fucking cunts don't take card. FUCK YOU. xx
  13. He sounds fucking terrible. Bad at bass and worse at guitar? Fire his ass. Ask Soda Jerk to play guitar for you and you can take over on bass. I bet he'd fucking LOVE to be in a band with you. xx
  14. Smart direction to move in IMHO. Denying all knowledge of the fact that IE is/was universally loathed would just make them appear behind the times and as clueless as ever. By having a bit of self-awareness, they actually give some credit to the claims that they're improving. xx
  15. Fucking immigrant aliens. Coming here and painting our fucking rocks and white fences and THE GOVERNMENT ARE GIVING THEM LITERALLY BILLIONS OF POUNDS A YEAR IN BENEFITS! xx
  16. That's still a pretty small window for the roll off. It shout start reducing at somewhere around £30k and be completely stopped by £50 (just plucking numbers out of the sky there, but you get the gist.) xx
  17. The black hardware on the Jackson is a selling point IMHO, looks infinitely better than the chrome. xx
  18. If you're trolling/joking then hurr hurr. Otherwise it's Guitar/Gear Acquisition Syndrome. xx
  19. Depends on how it's broken. If it's simply not powering up then odds are you're looking at a faulty connection somewhere with a relatively simple fix. If, however it seems to think it's working fine but is noisy as balls or is having no effect on the signal, odds are it's a fiddly wee component that's fucked and shy of fault-finding the dodgy part and replacing it (which comes with its own set of complications), it's probably goosed. So, how's she broken? xx
  20. I have literally no idea what audible difference there could possibly be. xx
  21. Why does the top cat there have balls on its chest? xx
  22. How much is not much? I've bought project guitars for £20 before - would £20 be a fair offer? Or would you want something closer to £100? £200?? xx
  23. I can't wait for some dickhead to try to publish a book in that vernacular. It'll probably be some waning athlete putting out an auto-biography who can't afford or doesn't want a ghost writer. That bastard. xx
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