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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Your vag is like pineapple cottage cheese.... That is fucking amazing. xx
  2. Gaslamp on Market Street do that kinda thing, too. As to The Butcher's Arms in Inverurie. xx
  3. What's tuppence in respect to? Tuppence compared to a grand or tuppence compared to £480? xx
  4. If it's a reasonable ad with a price that's a little ambitious then I agree, but if someone's selling (for example) as 60's re-issue squier and advertising it as a 60's Fender Bass and charging accordingly, I'd say it's worth making the clarification public to prevent any potential buyers from being suckered. GREY AREAS. GRAY AREAs. I don't know how to spell grey/gray. xx
  5. Must mean Elgin as there's no train to Ellon...? That or he means "drag my amp on the bus"? xx
  6. Only book of his I have is The Japanese Devil Fish Girl and Other Unnatural Attractions. It's not FS, but it's awesome - if you spot it at a decent price, take a punt on it. Love that guy. xx
  7. Yeah I totally agree that if a price is unreasonable then it's not out of line to ask for justification or to point out that the gear sells new for the same price etc. However I think shit like "£300 for a KOREAN strat??! Bloody knock-off pish! I'll give you £5 because I'm generous and love SHITE gear!!" makes you a dick, the post should be deleted by the mods and the user warned/banned. It's also worth noting that it'd be really easy for someone with an alt. account to troll a FS thread, drive off all interest and then send a lowball offer from their "real" account to rip the seller off... Just a thought. xx
  8. Love love love this lass! http://music.kimboekbinder.com/album/the-impossible-girl xx
  9. Walking Dead Season 3. I'm shit at waiting between episodes week by week so I'm waiting for the whole season to air then downloading it. When does the last ep of season 3 air so I know when to start looking? Don't wanna google incase I hit any spoilers. xx
  10. Cat's protection at BoD are in a similar situation. Here're Peaches and Boo inspecting our lionhead bunny, Burly. D'awwwwww. xx
  11. I thought KCHGH split? They have according to the Fudge poll, anyway. I'm starting to think that whole thing isn't particularly professional. xx
  12. I want to touch the chick in your avatar. Who is she? xx
  13. BC Rich was originally known Big Cock Dick but they had to change the name to un-gay it a bit. xx
  14. So.. stolen? Or are you blowing a dealer? xx
  15. To the top. £250 is an amazing price for this thing. Will also trade against a jazzmaster. Will get pictures of her ASAP. xx
  16. Tiny Terror IS a guitar head. Terror Bass is the bass model. RnB have a guitar one at a cracking price too. Sure it's only £300-400 or so, but I'm not sure of what wattage that model is. http://www.gak.co.uk/en/orange-dual-terror-guitar-tube-amplifier-head/21997 http://www.gak.co.uk/en/orange-tiny-terror/4913 xx
  17. Orange terror. Pricey, but tiny and epic. xx
  18. I wanted to confuse people. Y'know, for funzies. xx
  19. It shouldn't... My wife got called out on that a bunch of times by cuntholes. Apparantley when your passport expires it's no longer valid ID. xx
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