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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. It's fallout 3 I have (had?). And yeah, never had any fucking ammo. xx
  2. Retard question time. If I have a mixing desk with (say) 8 XLR inputs and a USB output, does that mean I can multitrack those 8 inputs on 8 different channels in my DAW? xx
  3. I suppose Keef will never stop being $hutt£r$p££d guy and Toxic Distortion will never stop being Aberdeen's most know hair metal band... xx
  4. Ahh, but in that case, say I was Stroopy the handsome guy just now. Then I fuck a sheeps. I then become Stroopy the sheep fucker, ergo I have used the present to redefine who I am, unhindered by my past. xx
  5. YES! That's why I became disenchanted with fallout. I NEVER had enough bullets! xx
  6. You could be a sheep fucker who cures cancer? xx
  7. I was a little ...meh... about GTAV until I saw those trailers. Now I have a stauner so hard that I'm getting a nosebleed. xx
  8. I just realised the Walking Dead I linked above is a reprint. 1st print is worth closer to a grand. Fucking mental how much the TV series has impacted their worth! xx
  9. Bodycount for Prey sounds good? xx
  10. I thought I might be wrong, but couldn't be arsed googling. The correction is welcomed. xx
  11. Supply and demand. It'll never be one of the comics worth thousands because, as you hinted, marvel do a lot of those kinda things. But, if you hang on to it until they stop being dished out and happen to find a Brooklyn fan who digs comics/misc paraphernalia who doesn't have a copy then odds are you can make a few quid. If it sails up near the £50 mark I'd be very surprised. If they become rare and an avid collector wants one, I'd still peg the value at around £20 maybe, tops. A pristine Walking Dead #1 will fetch a couple hundered now and that's (as far as I'm aware) about as high as "new" comics are going just now. Kick Ass #1 is also being peddled for up to the hundred quid mark but it's only WORTH that if someone'll pay it. Rangers/Celtic merch tends to become valuable because there are a lot of die hard fanboys who'll blow money on anything with the logo on them. If Brooklyn Knights are the same way, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd imagine the ony way it'll be a 'real' asset is if you can get it signed by players/coach etc. xx
  12. I thought thanksgiving was around Christmas time?!? :S xx
  13. That must just be musical trolling.... Surely? xx
  14. And what's the deal with you not having an avatar? Sort your fucking life out, commie. xx
  15. Stroopy121

    Top Tens

    Oathbreaker have a woman vocalist? I had absolutely no idea. Awesome. xx
  16. I've got a copy on loan from colb, but I imagine someone may want a copy. Anything else you're interested in trading? xx
  17. RnB have this guy for around £300. WANT. They also have a Squier VM jazzmaster I like the look of. Once I get the LP sold I'll spend a while wailing on both until I pick one. Could probably save ~£50-£75 on either guitar if I buy second hand instead but at a bargain price like that I'll just take the hit and buy new methinks. GAS. xx
  18. Here's a question for the veterans - breaking in to shit/stealing shit. Do you get away with it as long as you aren't seen doing it? Or do folks somehow just KNOW that you've stolen a bunch of their shit and call the guards? xx
  19. Only potion I ever regularly use is restore health, sometimes restore magic when I need to. I need to somehow develop more of a resistance to magic attacks because while I can maul a lot of shit with my greatsword, getting in close is pretty difficult without losing most of my health! I fuck about with alchemy a lot, but mostly I just try to make potions that sell for a lot and take the money. Breaking Bad styleeee. xx
  20. I'm currently level 9. Just spent last night being molested by a Hagaven on Orphan Rock. (Decided to jump back and knock out some of the smaller quests in my backlog before moving forward with the main story). If/when I get in about I can fuck her up with my sword pretty successfully but whenever she's near death the cunt reverts back to using fireballs and fucks me. The cunt. What race did you cunts opt for? I ran with Nord but am thinking now I should maybe have went for either elf or something more adept with magic so I can fuck bitches up from a distance. Does the race you pick really make that much difference? xx
  21. Didn't realise Drummonds were getting shit for noise levels. Why don't Oneup just hire cool thinker as a consultant, since he can see the future? xx
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