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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Just read an article on enemy levelling. Giants and Mammoths stay static, dungeons are usually locked in a "difficulty range" so some are aimed at level 1-10 and some at 20-30. Cool. Gonna try to find a map of different caves 'n' shit by difficulty rating etc. This is why sandbox games can fuck me right off. xx
  2. I had absolutely no idea that was the case, thank you. So for the most part, enemies are gonna be suited to my level (around 10)? I did think that fucking a dragon up was annoyingly easy, actually. xx
  3. Absolutely agree, personally I'd have thought that to make the most of the short-term boom they should be trying to hoard as much profit as possible to be able to move to a smaller, less expensive unit. Or something. Put the money into trying to develop the website, or making it a more sustainable business long-term. Fuck, even try to turn downstairs into a BYOB-style venue. Like Cellar 35 crossed with a DIY gig in a village hall. xx
  4. Skyrim. Loving it, but it took a shile to get into. Big problem I have with this type of game is that when I run into a random cave or side mission, I have no idea if I'm supposed to be able to kill the motherfuckers I encounter or if I should backtrack and level up first. This means I either backtrack too readily and forget about quests that I could nail with some time and perseverance, or it means I bang my again against a wall trying to bring down a couple of giants who keep fucking me mercilessly. xx
  5. My family. What a shower of bastardy cunts. I'm in no hurry to delve into the specifics but basically my wife hates my mum and my mum thinks that this is my fault. FUCK YOU PEOPLE. xx
  6. My sources tell me that since the "save oneup" campaign, business has been booming there again. So much so that a staff member who left fairly recently was offered his job back, even after there being layoffs/redundancies. #bro #story #cool xx
  7. Yeah sorry Soda, Adam was right. Minimum wage SHOULD be enough to live on, but it's not. In reality minimum wage is fucking baws as fucking fuck. xx
  8. By the way - you interested in trades? http://aberdeen-music.com/threads/limited-edition-epiphone-les-paul-fs-ft.53664/ xx
  9. Of course adding good pups to a guitar affects the value! You'd sell a used set of bareknucles for anything up to and over £100 on their own. If you're selling a fucked, POS guitar that's worth £50, you'd still ask for close to £150 with a set of BKs in there! You wouldn't just throw something like that in for free (unless they pups are "different" from stock while being of moreorless the same value? Not sure if that's what you mean...?) xx
  10. TBH any benefit system that has a yes/no cutoff point in salary is a fucking dumb idea. Even IF the system HAS to remain in place, it should be a gradual roll off where as your salary goes up, your benefits decrease. And not one fucking penny should be given to families who have two parents earning minimum wage, or one parent earning 2x minimum wage. And minimum fucking wage should be enough to realistically live on. Overly simplistic view, maybe, but it makes fucking sense doesn't it?? xx
  11. If I were pulling in £60k a year, and be offered a £1,000 per year pay rise, I sure as fuck wouldn't think to myself "Oooh, now I can afford to raise a child!" Giving out benefits to a family who earn more than three times the minimum wage is fucking stupid, if you ask me. xx
  12. Stroopy121

    Top Tens

    Songs about ethnic sex? Or ethnic songs about sex? xx
  14. You, sir, are a gent. Yeah the only "new" games I have are the likes of CoD which you've already got/want rid of! xx
  15. Which MoH? I'm after Dead Island, anything I've mentioned tempt you? xx
  16. GTA IV Soul Calibur 4 Prey Crackdown Street Fighter 4 MK vs DC Halo Reach Medal of Honour: Airborne Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Fancy anything on my list for Skyrim? More than happy to swap 2 (maybe 3 depending on your choice) against it since mine are older?
  17. You're close, but you start with the middle pieces on one side effectively making a + shape, then fill in the corners. xx
  18. Haha yeah, it's a really interesting puzzle with two main solving points - the order and the algorithms. First you need to make sure you're solving the first side completely (i.e. making sure that even though you have one face that's all yellow, that the pieces around those edges also match up. Then it's just a matter of learning/working out the algorithms that move piece A into position X without upsetting your previously solved side. The big problem with it is that you generally need a bit of a nudge in the right direction to start making sense of it but if you look online for help you'll only find step-by-step comprehensive guides or nothing at all. Worthwhile thing to learn to do IMO, but I'm a maths nerd. xx
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