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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I told you Jake, gotta up your game. Be cool. Like me. 'Bags wants me. Cause I'm cool. Don'cha, Bags? xx
  2. Stroopy121

    Your bets

    Next time you almost bet but don't text me. I'll do it. I NEED TEH TIPS. xx
  3. The new Above Them record - We Are A Danger To Ourselves is fucking awesome. Listen to it. How could I describe them... Post-Pop-Punk? Gruff, melodic, riffy punk rock tunes without the cutesy immaturity of the likes of Blink or NFG but without the harder punk edge of NOFX. A kind of middle ground between the two. Similar to Hot Water Music. AMAZING. Their first record - For Those Who Paved The Way is fucking amazing, I believe Soda recommended that one earlier ITT, listen to it if you haven't already. xx
  4. Stroopy121

    Top Tens

    You could do a top 10 to listen to while you poop if you really fancy. A theme OR genre. xx
  5. Stroopy121

    Your bets

    Learning is fun. I'm now £17,912 in debt thanks to you all. xx
  6. This is Spinal Tap Absolute classic. The interviews are pure gold. Absolute must-see. 10/10 xx
  7. Stroopy121

    Your bets

    ..and is that the same as an "each way" bet? xx
  8. Rathen's gonna be maaaaaad at you, son! Gee a fuck? Naw.gif Wresting.gif xx
  9. Figured. Soul Calibur 4, Prey, Crackdown, Street Fighter 4, MK vs DC, Halo Reach.. Anything tempting? All a little older so would be happy to trade 2, maybe 3, against Skyrim? xx
  10. Definitely interested in Skyrim! Will have a poke around. I know I have Modern Warfare 1-3 gathering dust if you fancy? xx
  11. Stroopy121

    Your bets

    So what does it mean by betting on a "chance"? #n00b xx
  12. I want new games. I have no money. Don't suppose there are any other xboxers here interested in some trade action? xx
  13. He must fall down a lot? xx
  14. I want to spend a day at your work. Hitting people. xx
  15. Stroopy121

    Your bets

    FYI if this thread doesn't make me a bajillionaire, I'll kill you all. xx
  16. I hate saying this, but you're better than that, Jake. Try harder. Slutbags is a classy lady who will only be seduced my internet perving of a MUCH higher calibre than that. xx
  17. Stroopy121


    I lost my dog so I put an advert in the local paper. It said "Here boy." xx
  18. Stroopy121

    Top Tens

    Shaki is a poove. xx
  19. Cheers or the warning, mouse was literally hovering over link when I read that! xx
  20. I've got Money Store and Ex Military from spotify, going through Money Store just now. Can't find any sign of No Love on here, though...? xx
  21. Shit, Death Grips' record is fucking excellent. xx
  22. Regular, crispy and extra crispy? xx
  23. Uhhh... that's a Westie. xx
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