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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Why is that a weird place for your whammy...? #noob xx
  2. It's a simple 2 bedroom in Alford. Well, 2.5 bedrooms, it has a study which is too small to be classed as a bedroom, so it's my mancave. Paying WELL over the odds, the same place in Dundee would probably cost around £120k. Maybe less. It sucks, BUT it means when I eventually bail on the UK and move abroad I'll be able to trade up to something that's actually WORTH that much money. As long as it doesn't depreciate too much then I'm not fussed, my monthly payments are still a bawhair less than I was paying in rent and this money is staying in my posession since I can sell the house and get it back. xx
  3. Think "your FX setup" would be a worthy thread on its own? I'm only just starting to use pedals at all with my setup, never owned one other than a tuner before, so interested to hear what the multi-pedalled veterans have to say. Granted, I'm only on 4 strings but I imagine the bassics (GEDDIT??) are the same? xx
  4. Trust me having a mortgage is fucking horrible if you think of the reality of it. It literally means "debt 'til death". I owe some cunts nearly £200,000. That's a lot of pints. At the Moorings, with band discount, you could get 100,000 pints of beer. 250,000 units of alcohol. That's more than your "recommended allowance" for 228.9 years. Considerably more if you opt for spirits. xx
  5. Anyway, gear I'm currently stalking for: Hoping to pick these up second hand at around £75 per pedal. Hoping. Hoping. xx
  6. Serious question - how can you use more than one delay? Would you use them in series to make a SUPER DELAY? Or have two different delays set to different.. delayedness.. for use at different times? xx
  7. Where does the "Jaguar" part come into it..? xx NVM - I see the closeups now. Jaguar the car. Not some bastard hybrid of guitars. It all makes sense. As you were.
  8. I'm an even split between Dan and Matt. Love Matt's stuff with Sekrets, his voice is a little more ballsy in it, more Good Mourning era. His stuff with Heavens isn't my cup of tea at all, his singing is completely flat and dull to listen to, despite the tunes being pretty strong. Kind of 80's tinged, like Eating Me Alive was off of This Addiction. xx
  9. I don't like that they tasered the guy, I like the relevance of the post. Carry on. xx
  10. I'm with Frosty on this. I got a credit card for just that reason - to help build a better credit score. Problem was, I immediately bought a bass I couldn't afford (FUCKING THANKS NEEPHEID ) and very quickly landed in the habit of putting stuff on the card in the "that's future-Stroopy's problem" pile. Credit card = good. Fuckwitted impulse-buying = bad. xx
  11. Personally, I'd say if you were to go iPad, go full size. Dilbert explains it best. xx
  12. What does that mean...? Tell me or I won't get out of your house. xx
  13. Dan from Alkaline Trio's acoustic side project: Dan Andriano in the Emergency Room - Hurricane Season Stoating record. If you liked Damnesia at all, you'll love it. xx
  14. The virus thing is pretty true - most l33t hax0rs run Linux based systems (Mac OS being based on the same software as linux) so generally fewer viruses are written targetting linux/unix/mac systems lest the coders be hoist on their own petards. Every windows machine I've had has been run into the ground after around 5 years, but that's all software because windows is baws and prone to shitty bloatware sucking up processor speed. I'd like to try running a mac for the likes of photoshop and recording softwares, see if the hype is true there, but I imagine a mac and a PC with identical tech specs will run identically. Especially given than most mid-high end PCs use a lot of the same hardware as Apple. xx
  15. £15 limit FTW. Wife and I get each other 5 stocking filler, wee gifts for £15 or under. Fucking capitalists. xx
  16. Marvellous. Thank you, kind sir. xx
  17. Cool. So in my example would this: The Jakebassist hating started when he was posting about suffering with IBS<1> but it escalated when he realised how much he was annoying the easily-trolled among the forum users and began deliberately posting tripe<2>. Now even his "serious" posts are recieved with hostility<4>. blah blah blah, something else that's referenced from source<1>. <1>Every <2>body <3>hates <4>Jake or this: The Jakebassist hating started when he was posting about suffering with IBS<1> but it escalated when he realised how much he was annoying the easily-trolled among the forum users and began deliberately posting tripe<2>. Now even his "serious" posts are recieved with hostility<4>. blah blah blah, something else that's referenced from source<5>. <1>Every <2>body <3>hates <4>Jake <5>Every Be the right way to do it? xx
  18. One for the students / recently graduated. When you're referencing more than one fact from the same source, at different points in a document, do you need to reference it multiple times? Example: xx
  19. They're not. Literally the only thing about them that is "unique" from a windows system of <half the price is the OS (and the shiny white box). You can buy a computer with no OS, or even a windows machine, and a copy of mac OS if you think it's so much better. But it's not. People rave about them so hard because they don't want to feel like morons for buying into the advertising and spending a fortune on a horribly overpriced computer. xx
  20. 24oz of beef is about the same as a big fucking steak. Add the bun and chips and you're really not looking at too bad a challenge (unless they are being cunty and give you a stupidly large amount of chips to go with it). xx
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