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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I don't get the reference or know who Tony Hart is. When I say it's "true" - I was told by a friend of mine works/worked for a fairly major news paper. It obviously could be total bullshit but I choose to believe it, because watching Pip on TV after being told that, I can't believe I ever thought he was straight. xx
  2. You can get PSUs that take up to 10 or 12 on ebay. I can't imagine daisy chaining causing too much of a problem unless they are heavy on the power consumption. Most PSUs I've seen are limited to around 500mA per channel so if you have two pedals running at >250mA you'll have a problem. xx
  3. I've reached a conclusion. This is the Matrix and Soda Joe has some kind of cheat code where he knows all the good music. Been delving deeper into the "Upping the Punx" playlist he made a while back at my behest and listening to some more of the bands that are in there. Two really jump out: Banner Pilot - Resignation Day None More Black - File Under Black Both insanely good albums. PUNXKZX xx
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt9zEWzuHQo xx
  5. This perhaps belongs in confessions thread - but I had never listened to Deftones - White Pony until today. Amazing record. Anyone who hasn't listened to it recently should listen to it now. xx
  6. Holy fuck! I caught Dave Hause doing solo acoustic stuff supporting Alkaline Trio in Glasgow, he was fucking amazing, had no idea he was in The Loved Ones. Most excellent. xx
  7. Both. It's a really complicated piece, but the delay is making it sound a little fancier and smoother. In places it sounds like just one pluck is delayed out to make it sound like he's playing 16th notes but I don't think that's what's going on for most of it. Watching his thumb he seems to be picking away at a fair rate! xx
  8. They really, really are. Getting my teeth into Keep Your Heart, what a record. Poppy and upbeat while still having some BALLS. Fucking excellent. xx
  9. Listening to a few records out of Woods' METAL playlist. I can't link it because I'm at work, but Mastadon - Hunter feels like RIFFS are having aggressive bumsex with my ears, and I like it. xx
  10. Phil Schofield is actually gay. He's in a long-term relationship with a dude and his "wife and kids" family is purely for show. There's a big gagging order on the whole thing so the papers won't release it. #ThisIsActuallyTrue xx
  11. I make no pretense about being hung like a dinosaur, but how does ANY penis fit into those panties? xx EDIT - because I want to know if there's room for mine in there, too. hurr hurr hurr
  12. I see, you can reply to posts here but not to text messages you raving gaylord? xx
  13. Holy fuck, this record is excellent. xx
  14. You misread. She felt a phone, up in her box. xx
  15. How else is he supposed to take it? With a pinch of salt?! A PINCH OF SALT?! xx
  16. I'll take Plan 9 off your hands. Meet in town on Saturday? xx
  17. When the fuck did Jimmy Saville die?! xx
  18. If he fucked kids, he's all bad. There's no redeeming yourself by doing charity work or giving toys to the poor. xx
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