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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ZoHhvQgjU xx
  2. She's actually a world class, classically trained pianist. She's busking with a guitar she found in a skip to try to fund buying a second hand keyboard and a wee amp so she can start "properly" busking. Problem is, she's scared of alienating her thousands on fans by "selling out" now that she's broken into D-list celeb / meme status with her guitar. xx
  3. She needs papers to be allowed to busk on the street, not to live in the UK. xx
  4. Uuungh... blat. That is fucking beautiful man! xx
  5. I love soundbytes in recordings. Love em. About to start work on some Needleman recording this weekend. I hope. xx
  6. Man that thing is fucking gorgeous! WANT! xx
  7. Oh - side note, I also think you DO need to pay top dollar for top quality amps. Valve amps are unique and can't be (very well) replicated by solid state tech. Solid state can sound good if it's the sound you're after, but you won't get valve tone without valves. And if you get a cheap valve amp, it's very likely to be poor quality. xx EDIT: What are people's opinions on almost totally bespoke, biutique guitars? Ritter, Fodera, Custom Shop etc?
  8. You're comparing apples to oranges there, though. If you want a musicman but can't afford the tag, try some musicman replicas. OLP or something similar. Is it the sound, playability or the 'brand' that you fell in love with? xx
  9. My job is pretty rewarding financially, plenty of challenges and room to progress. It's probably as close to a "dream job" as I'll get outwith working in the arts - but that's a less-than-likely scenario given that I have a mortgage to pay and I suck at the arts. So if I'm gonna be stuck anywhere while my dreams die, this is as good a place as any. xx
  10. There are endless debates on this. Personally, I think that with the "name brand" you get better quality control, and that's about it. I agree that most Epis or Squier's could live up to a Fender or Gibson in a live situation, but if you were to even buy 10 different low end mexican fender guitars, you'd notice a difference in playability from one to the other. Whereas a top end LP, you'll get the same level of quality across the board. If you get lucky with an Epi LP, get one that plays really well and upgrade the hardware/pups as you like, then yeah you can definitely get a guitar for £300 that satisfies you as much as one that cost £3,000 if the label doesn't matter to you. I suppose it's like saying why buy a brand new Audi when new-ish Skoda in good nick does the same job for a fraction of the price? /2p. xx
  11. Yeah, I'd really have to say you guys are definitely the second-most-awesome band Woods currently plays drums for. xx
  12. Without getting into that whole argument about "establishing a brand" etc etc.. the merit for small companies would be the same as posting a pic in the gear porn or gear you want thread. If you'd never heard of Hag guitars, saw Joe playing one at a Das McManus gig and thought it was sexy, that's one mroe potential customer. xx
  13. That's what it boils down to, tbh. It'd be one thing finding out that yer ma used to fuck dudes on camera for money, but to find out that you were unwittingly part of the appeal is pretty weird if I'm honest. It's the same kind of thing as "fake rape" fetishes. I understand that some people get turned on by different things, a guy forcing himself on a girl could get someone off and watching an actor pretending to resist when she's actually giving her consent isn't that bad. But then you have to consider that watching porn like that normalises rape, and makes the viewer (perhaps subconsciously) think that rape is OK. Maybe not OK, but at least that it's generally maybe kinda acceptable or maybe not as bad as it actually is... Either way, it's very, very wrong. I think the same applies to pregnant porn. The thought of your old man landing a load on your head in utero is bad enough, but a string of strangers? Poor kid. xx
  14. But Annie would do your homework for you before she went to wash the spunk out of her hair. Or off her unborn bastard child. xx
  16. My thinking was that while Fender have zillions of customers who'll buy just about anything they make, the likes of Hagstrom are on the verge of obscurity. More people seeing their sexy wares, the better. Bear in mind that "heavily discounted" will still be profitable to the company. If you get 10 mates to but these HUGELY DISCOUNTED guitars because they are half the RRP, then that's 10 sales, 10 happy customers and 10 new sources of advertising that otherwise wouldn't be around. that's my thinking on the subject, anyway. xx
  17. In for a penny, so I'll clarify here. I have no intention of fucking any pregnant lasses in the immediate future. I saw the category "pregnant" right next to "big tits" when I was browsing for porn and it got me thinking. I know it isn't dangerous for the kid, most doctors recommend it. All I was wondering was wether a pregnant porn 'actress' is willingly bathing her unborn child in the spunk of her fellow cast's members. I'm thirsty for knowledge. I WANT ANSWERS NOW! xx
  18. Listening to it now and I have a couple of preliminary thoughts: 1. This is fucking excellent. 2. ... Ok, so "a couple" may have been an exaggeration. Cracking effort though, really enjoyed it. Shall pick one up when I'm next in OneUp. xx
  19. Oh, so the internet has a conscience now? Because if that's the case, I'm out. I wouldn't either, bro. Quick Question: If you have sex with a pregnant chick, while I don't imagine you're likely to poke the kid in the eye, wouldn't you come on the kid? I know it's contained in some freaky fluid sack thing in there, it's not like it'll be breathing a load of spaff... just, y'know, curious.. and don't want to google anything about fucking a pregnant chick or jizzing on children while I'm at work. xx
  20. There are some non-brand name "replica" guitars that are every bit as good as or way better than low end fenders. xx
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