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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Yeah the adverts to absolutely kill the enjoyment. Especially when you're listening to a record which is designed to have one track bleed seemlessly into the next. £5 a month is shit all, but I'll rarely use it on my laptop as the sound is baws. Downloading records to my phone is where it's at, yo. xx
  2. FWIW those moden player's guitars are the mutts nuts! I played the MP Jaguar bass in II and fell in love. xx
  3. No argument there, it is ridiculous and fucking fuck. xx
  4. If you're gonna get an ass anchor, surely you'd want a good one?? xx
  5. I agree that it's 100% up to the church/priest what he wants going on in his church. I do think it's an unusual viewpoint that yoga is un-christian... but it's his call. Same sentiment as the gay marriage debate, I suppose. His views about yoga don't matter a jot in the "real world" but in terms of what can and cannot happen in his church, his word is final. Attempting to have yoga nationally banned because it's un-christian in his eyes would be worthy of all the scorn, this is not. xx
  6. I approve of that, purely because it means you get to see the phrase: Pretty Little Flower - Punishing Ferocity. It's still stupid though. xx
  7. I find myself assuming that most bands are bland indiepop from the Juno soundtrack based on their names. I thought that of Dinosaur Jr. based on the name until I heard some of their stuff. Unrelated pet hate; this just appeared on my facebook feed. WHO REMEMBERS BLACKBOARD DUSTERS? Something like 2,000 likes on that picture. I hope each and every one of them dies in a car fire. xx
  8. Stylised or gramatically superfluous band names. Fun for example insist on their name being presented all lowercase with a full stop: "fun." Not "fun" or "Fun." Cunts. Panic! at the disco are every bit as bad. Names like , [] and KCHGH I can deal with as they are at least trying to do something different, it's when a name is perfectly ordinary but there's still an anal fixation on how it's presented. Eat my balls you pretentious hoop tickler. xx
  9. Thanks for these. Haven't listened to Stars yet but really enjoyed the other two records. Also got some Archers of Loaf stuff. Holy Fuck. Unfeasibly good band. I've also definitely decided that this spotify nonsense is worth the £10 a month - provided my phone's battery holds out through a working day's listening. If not I'll probably try to trade/sell my ipod classic against a touch and use it there. Having ALL THE MUSIC available to listen to is just insanely awesome. It sounded like a superfluous idea to start with and one that wouldn't be worth much at all in real terms... but being able to have a full days worth of new records to listen through at work, every day, is fucking good as fuck. Plus it's a fuckload more convenient than piracy. xx
  10. I can't be fucked trawling 30 pages of thread for shoegaze/instrumental recommendations, but I want something big and atmospheric that's easy to not concentrate on when I'm at work. Sort of like instrumental post-hardcore sounds of the rainforest. Anyone name a record on spotify I can fire up? xx
  11. This is fucking excellent. Really enjoying this record! xx
  12. Some fucking cunt has borrowed/stolen my copy of left 4 dead! I re-activated my live account yesterday specifically to play it! gutted!! xx
  13. I'm going to have to buy this game, aren't I? xx
  14. I don't wanna cast any aspersions here, but IF there's a staff member who decides they can make a few quid on the fly by stealing gear, then leaving it in the stairwell would mean they could dump it out the back door and text someone to come collect it. TBH it wouldn't need to be a staff member to do that, but it'd certainly be less suspicious to see a bar-person walking in and out of the stairwell. I don't think that's what happened here, nor do I have any reason to think it may have happened in the past, the staff there have always been decent to me, only dickheads I've encountered have been jakey bastard punters. That being said, knowing how easy that'd be to do, whenever I play at Drummonds, I keep my gear in sight at all times. I leave the guitar onstage between soundcheck and playing and take it away with me when I'm done, dump it in the car and then go back for the rest of the night. The car might not be much more secure, but it has insurance! xx
  15. This is not. The last. You will see of me. xx
  16. Just wow. Also - a prime example of what a dick you look like trying to clap your hands while holding a pick. xx
  18. need to renew my gold subscription. and buy BF3. xx
  19. I'd imagine it's just some filler and a lick of paint if I'm honest. xx
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