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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Getting your hopes up. Had a google at the mixers and t'aint what I'm after unfortunately. Plus, I'm still unloading some of my own gear before I can afford any new toys! Free bumps, though. xx
  2. SOLD to the gentleman in the funny hat. xx
  3. Turns out the article hasn't been run yet but I'll post a picture of her anyway: xx
  4. Unnghh. I'm on the fence there with the Onion Square debate. From a pedestrian point of view it couldn't really be much better. The parking is ample and affordable and as Phil says its nearly always steering. It's also forced Bon Accord to up it's game a bit since Onion Square is pinching all it's trade. Our congested city centre is a fucking arse of a thing but I blame the road layout round from Private Eyes to the Moorings and that whole, awful wee one way bit. The whole area just can't cope with the traffic flow at rush hour. We should be investing this fantasy £20m in some kind of teleportation unit. Or maybe a big road round the city which could remove the need for commuters to go anywhere near Union/Market St. xx
  5. Ungh. Want. Need to sell my current cab AND raise some cash to be able to buy this though, so it's unlikely. Unless you happen to be interested in trading for a B410HLF + cash? Good luck with the sale, though. xx
  6. They should build it on the UTG site. Everyone'll win. xx
  7. I almost punched my wife in the face in front of her parents because of that game. So much win. xx
  8. Rapidough! Fucking love that game. xx
  9. That article is horseshit. "We've solved the chord but WE'RE NOT FUCKING TELLING ANYONE." Pointless. xx
  10. Haha, excellent idea. Would look funny as fuck scooshing "perfume" into your mouth / glass, too. xx
  11. He's implying that being vegetarian is something boring people do to make themselves seem interesting. xx
  12. Out of character for them, I know. At least Pretty Fly had an awesome riff! xx
  13. So word on the street is that California Cruisin' is actually a pisstake song. Pretty stupid idea if you ask me, but re-listening to it as a parody of Katy Perry et al does make it a little more enjoyable. xx
  14. Horrid thing to be taken down by. Hope it was as peaceful as possible. My condolences to his family and loved ones. xx
  15. Anyone have yesterdays EE? I think there's an interview with my wife in it. Xx
  16. Watched the first ep of Breaking Bad yesterday. Looks pretty fucking good I must say. Can tell it's made by the folks responsible for Walking Dead, but that's absolutely not a bad thing. xx
  17. LAWL! How the fuc*k did I miss that? Excellent work on the censorship there, hombre. xx
  18. It's a total memory hog, not sure if it's just due to my mammoth music collection or my laptop being fucked but itunes just fucking kills it. xx
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