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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. No worries man. I'm actually only thinking about selling this to fund a different amp. The G3, while a beautiful bass, was surplus to requirements so I decided to let it go. I'm in no rush to unload this and will probably hold off until I can find a different amp I want in the same price bracket. xx
  2. I have an Ashdown Mag300 head and a berhinger rack tuner all in a gator 4u flight case. The MAG 300s seem to be going for around the £150-200 mark on ebay. The tuners are going between £50-70 And the cases sell for around £100 I don't have any pics as yet, but I'd like to see ~£300 for it before I let it go. I'd also consider letting go of the head and tuner alone for £200. This is the amp model, the MAG 300, not the EVO, and it's a rack mountable head, not a combo. Some slight damage to the tuner - the big turny wheel control is missing, but it's still 100% adjustable. Other bass amp head trades considered. xx
  3. When I was there, it was probably around 60% staff. xx
  4. A colleague and friend of mine, and a fucking shit hot engineer, recently moved from my current company to that one. He'd have been there less than a month. It's a joke that they were actively recruiting (and offering very competitive salaries) right up until a week or so ago. xx
  5. Naturally. I was a graduate engineer working on the 'arm' company. The parent company always did well by the 'arm' but, as you rightly said, the system just didn't work. Problems kicked off (in my eyes) when the base was moved out of Dyce to Westhill. So many key members of staff were lost, and one man in particular hired to replace them bullied and drove almost the entire engineering staff out of the company at an absolutely crucial point in it's development. The project started with a blank chequebook and as a consequence the inital designs were all massively over-engineered. The system ended up being designed as a MASSIVE ROV, rather than a large, but fairly simple, subsea tree. Shame to see it end how it has, though. xx
  6. Not a bad song on this record IMHO. Used to be my goto ANGST record, but I always hated the more down-tempo, non-metal, gothy shit but now that I'm a grownup I appreciate the record as a whole more. Some of the gearshifts from creepy, ambient mumbling into RAGE are fucking excellent. Love this record. Can't wait to see him and Rob Zombie tear shit up! xx
  7. I used to work for that company. Run by a shower of fuckwits and a lot of good people have been made redundant because of it. It's a fairly common theory that investers pulled funding in order to bankrupt the project then buy it off for pennies. Fucking cunts. xx
  8. It's sluggish and it's lazily programmed. It takes fucking forever to open. It's DREADFUL when you're trying to relocate files which have been moved. It automatically converts and duplicates stuff and it makes it nigh fucking impossible to copy music from ipod back to computer. xx
  9. Oh and I'd give Louis Farrakhan a smack too. xx
  10. Gina Rinehart. Nick Griffin. Keith O'Brien. Tommy Robinson. All cunts. I'd mash each of their skulls into a barn floor like the closing sequence of Sin City given half a chance. xx
  11. I didn't know you were a sports fan, Dave?! xx
  12. I learned everything I know about American Football from NFL Street on the PSP. Good times. xx
  13. It'd be an inconvenience, but I wouldn't call it dishonourable. Many major retailers allow customers to return bought and paid-for goods when you can find a better deal. Or those "We'll refund the difference" etc. I pretty much agree with this now that I know the whole story tbh. xx
  14. Did you buy a really expensive bottle of wine and say something like "mmmmn tastes so good when you pay with someone else's money"..? If not, then you have missed a trick. xx
  15. I 100% agree. As I said before and iterated sincerely a few times in my texts to Ron, I hated backing out but the only reason I'm selling is because I desperately need the money. Had it been a bit of a clearout to fund new toys or whatever, I'd happily have declined the higher offers in favour of honouring an agreement with Ron. BUT - I do think that Dave is on to something, too. If opportunity comes to buy the same thing for cheaper, no buyer would think twice about backing out of the deal. Moral of the story: Life sucks, get a helmet. xx
  16. I apologise, I didn't make it clear but I had meant to say in my message if you could match the higher offer (which is now up to £650 since my last text I sent you), I'd consider it. The current best offer is at £650 inc. P+P, I'd call an offer of ~£620 with no delivery costs fair. If I recieved that offer from you, I'd let the other potential buyer know and allow him a chance to up his offer. xx
  17. For the record - I don't consider this thread to be "badmouthing" me. Ron has been honest about what went down and by doing it publicly he has, as he mentioned, warned potential buyers (I have some spares and odds and sods I'll be selling soon) but he's also given me ample chance to say my piece in my defense. Perfectly reasonable way to do things. And on the subject of that LP Studio - the lesson there (IMHO) is never to accept offers of monthly payments etc unless there is some kind of contract or legal agreement in place to protect both parties. xx
  18. Also - I'd say that generally a deal isn't a deal until someone has handed over money or goods. If you "accept" someone's offer and they get outbid, it's poor form to not offer that person a chance to up their offer, though. xx
  19. I even said to Ron in my reply that if I was selling this bass to fund another toy, I'd have taken the hit and honoured it. But, if that were the case I wouldn't have been so fast to jump at his offer. Plus - frankly - the lowball reputation that Keeno mentioned made me think that the "I'm looking at buying an Ampeg" was a bluff designed to push me into accepting a lower offer. I'm genuinely sorry if Ron missed buying something because of me but if you take that element out of the equasion, all that's happened is Ron got outbid. xx
  20. Great, make me out to look like an even bigger dick. xx
  21. Only if we can wear giant novelty costumes. xx
  22. Yeah, I concede that it's a shitty thing to do, but given that I'm selling this thing reluctantly to cover a mammoth credit card bill, I'd have been an idiot to turn down an offer £100 higher than yours. It's not a simple matter me throwing you under a bus for £5. If I could afford to let the thing go at the loss I offered it to you for, I would have. But then again if I could afford to make a loss selling this thing on then I wouldn't be bothering to sell it. You were robbing me fucking blind at the price you offered and I accepted it out of pure desperation. And yes, when I'm selling a prized possesion to try to get out of a financial crisis, then money definitely means more than honour. xx
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