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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I think the character was one-dimensional and shite. Either bad writing or bad acting, but either way it killed the movie for me. xx
  2. Your name is an anagram of Ashamed Weevils Twit xx
  3. Awwh, now my reply seems bitchy and butthurt. Damn and blast you. xx
  4. "I have the will power of..." is synonymous with "I have the same will power as..." or "my will power is like that of....". A simile is a type of metaphor in which the comparison is made with the use of the word like or its equivalent. Stick to cereal, language isn't your strong suit. xx
  5. I really don't get why people hype the violence in Drive so much. There's the one scene in the elevator where Gosling shows any kind of emotion and otherwise his performance is completely sterile. I thought Drive was a complete bag of shit with one or two 'good' scenes which only just managed to keep me watching until the end. xx
  6. It's nice to see a library that specialises in dirty books. /BetterLateThanNever xx
  7. Remember folks, spoiler tags for .gifs please. /DoingLucky'sJobForHim. xx
  8. Stroopy121


    Yeah my Mrs loved that class but the times weren't suitable for her. Really good class from what she tells me. xx
  9. If your cat gets knocked up and you are forced to rehome the kittens, there's no real moral issue per se. However, the fact that people will pay anything from £30 to ~£50 for a mongrel kitten encourages arseholes to deliberately get their cat(s) pregnant as often as possible to make a quick buck at the expense of the health of the cat. If any kittens from the litter aren't bought, they'll usually be "discarded" or sent to cat's protection or similar. I don't have a problem with buying a cat privately, but as (I think) Chris pointed out, it's a false economy if you do it for purely financial reasons, plus there's a really wide selection of kittens currently living in the garages of CPL volunteers because they've been finding many stray cats who have recently had litters. xx
  10. Some minor players wear but she's in great nick especially considering her age. Bought from Neepheid a while ago but need the funds to cover other projects. First offer of £650 will take her but feel free to make me an offer. Not interested in trades. Comes with a good quality gig bag. Sexy Pictures: xx
  11. You'll be fine. Even IF it's tracked, they'll see you were there for a tiny amount of time as soon as you logged on and you'll be able to argue that some site you accessed outwith work had changed your homepage without your consent. xx
  12. Flying from Prestwick is a bit of a pain in the balls but you can get pretty cheap flights if you're on a budget. xx
  13. I knew a guy called Rhino in school. He's a heroin addict now. xx
  14. A compelling argument. I enjoy filling my hospital with sick people then firing all the doctors, turning the heating through the roof and watching them all die. xx
  15. When you think about it though, games are just a fad and will probably pass, but sports have been around forever. So if any games are likely to last, it's sports games. xx
  16. Isn't Campus in Glasgow a ned-infested shithole? Closer to a replacement for Liquid that for Bassment...? xx
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