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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. What.The.Fuck. I am so, so sad that I've heard this. xx
  2. Anyone remember Oscars? That place was way cool. Some amazing memories there. xx
  3. Wow. Baffled by the second "S" in "Islamists" too. Looks like they started to do a backwards 3, or a stylised "f". xx
  4. I haven't forgotten about this, but life keeps getting in the way. If any of y'all want to go about trying to organise a practice, send me a PM and I'll send you the details I have for the prospective members. Still no horns or keys, mind. xx
  5. Guys, guys. We're overlooking the important question: Why are cats allowed near schools?? xx
  6. I'm always generous when estimating length. xx
  7. Good shout, I always forget IMDB is spoiler-free. I think you missed the joke I was making, though. xx
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO xx
  9. What's a spolier? If you're gonna be a sarcastic bastard, at least be an accurate one. xx
  10. Is it comedy? Drama? Action? Zombies? Or one of those wierd ones where if you try to describe it you'll inevitably make it sound baws...? xx
  11. Between that phrase and the Dagget avatar, I think I'm in love with her. Sorry Slutbags, you've been shunted to second place. xx
  12. What is Breaking Bad? I've heard some good things and looking for something else to get on to watching but have no idea what it's actually about. I have Game of Thrones sitting waiting to be started up, too. Hope it isn't pish. I've actually just watched season 9 of 2.5men (the first one with Kelso in it) and absolutely loved it. Always been a fan of 2.5 men, despite it being utterly awful (and the fact that it's well past the point where they could have changed the name to 3 men. IMHO they should have ran it into a prequel to 3 men and a baby, but I love terrible ideas..). Jake is amazing in this series (as he is in most) and the relationship between Waldon (Ashton's character's name is fucking WALDON?!) and Alan is really fun to watch. Also eagerly awaiting new seasons of The Office, Walking Dead and RED FUCKING DWARF! xx
  13. You listen with one and speak out t'other, AMIRITE?! xx
  14. Some pics would help you sell - but in the meantime, what colour is it? Is it a maple or rosewood fretboard? xx
  15. You've obviously never seen a Needleman practice. The pinacle of productivity. Play entire set of 6(I think) songs twice - 16 minutes. Shoot the shit and drink energy drinks - 74 minutes. xx
  16. Cat's protection in BoD had nearly 50 kittens last I knew. We could only adopt two because the wife said having all 50 would be impractical. The cunt. xx
  17. The guys at Daily Dischord are saying good things about it too. Hopefully it'll last! xx
  18. Oh yeah, also playing Bloon Tower Defense 4. Best.Phone.Game.Ever. xx
  19. You don't Kill anyone. You kick their asses. That's why they regenerate, I assume. xx
  20. Arkham City. Fucking about doing side missions now. This fucking New Game shit you unlock when you complete it - do you have to collect all the riddler shit again in it?! xx
  21. Fairly mainstream suggestion but I went to Brussels not so long ago and it was absolutely beautiful. Loads to see and do, reasonably priced and more delicious beer than you could possibly get through. Also went to Paris in July and while it lived up to everything I'd been brought to expect, it was frustratingly expensive for everything. xx
  22. I understand the wound may be a bit fresh, but one day you'll agree that this is really rather funny. Fucking horrendous, scummy, cuntishness of the highest order, but the thought of a couple of arseholes taking hormones thinking they'll get high is quite amusing. I hope they grow tits. Hope you have insurance and can get this shit sorted out soon man, that's fucking awful. xx
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