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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Basically true bypass means when a pedal is turned off the signal is completely isolated form the circuit so either have fuzz (for example) or NO fuzz. Without true bypass, the signal could still go through some of the fuzz circuitry and it might affect the signal. http://www.jimdunlop.com/blog/what-is-true-bypass/ Pretty good article there. xx
  2. Overuse of gang vocals. If you want to make a song soung MIGHTY, write a MIGHTY song. Adding multiple layers of vocals shouting "THIS IS OUR TIME!" or some other cliche doesn't make a song revolutionary. I fucking love the tune below, but the gang vocals and the wanky spoken-word bridge towards the end are just fucking wank. Cunts. xx
  3. Did you see that ludicrous display last night? The the thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in. xx
  4. Simon Cowell is the master of marketing and distributing hook-driven, generic inoffensive pop music, which is exactly what the likes of the Olympic ceremonies want. Widest appeal with the least risk of upsetting anyone. Even if Cowell wasn't involved in the actual organisation, his label would be the first port of call for the organisers to find a supporting lineup. xx
  5. The first time I heard that tune of hers with the hook "I'll fiiiind you next to meee" I really, really liked it. The second time I heard it I grew bored of it in a few seconds. I think that sums up her career path if I'm honest. I don't wish any ill on her and I really hope she does well but I get the impression she's already peaked. I get the same impression with Adele though. Probably just me being cynical and a tad jealous of their success though. xx
  6. You have a 4x10 and a hacksaw, no? xx
  7. There are a few places popping up selling American food at horrendous fucking prices. £7.50 a box for Lucky Charms in a wee place in Stirling. xx
  8. Nah, he lives in mastrick remember. Our primary recommendation should be "whatever's on offer in Asda" or poundland's own brand power ranger rip-off toys. xx
  9. Pfft. One little wedding and the rules all change. xx
  10. In that case I must've just seen the title somewhere recently. Lovefilm. That's it. I was adding a fuckload of zombie shit to my lovefilm list and it appeared. xx
  11. Ahhh, if it's porn that'd explain why it came to mind rather than that LVK abortion. xx
  12. That's the one I meant. What the fuck is Zombie Strippers then? Does it even exist? Don't wanna google it at work! xx
  13. Zombie Women of Satan Zombie B-Movie with not a huge amount of plot going on. It's what that Zombie Strippers film should've been if that Corden cuntrag wasn't allowed near it. Over the top, some pretty dodgy acting, but a great laugh. Lots of tits and blood and swearing. Loses points for a lack of any real development or big climax and as such it feels like its dragging on towards the end. 6/10 overall but definitely worth a watch if you're in the mood for something a bit ridiculous. xx
  14. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    German Sanchez Sanchez. I want him to win everything. Everything. xx
  15. I hope this isn't your new musical direction. The harmonies are pretty ace, the song is funny for about the first 2 minutes. Goes on a bit long and the joke dies. Video made me laugh though. xx
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