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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. There aren't any good pics of her in a bikini or anything, so it's not worth the effort really. xx
  2. Yeah. You guys are all fucking pervs. xx
  4. Take it to tesco. Something like 3 out of every £5 spent in the UK is spent in tesco. It's a safe bet. xx
  5. Yeah. Worst offender is Slutbags with her avatar of that chick off the Aadams family with the forehead. xx
  6. My avatar is also Ryan Simpson showing off his buffness and his badass ink. xx
  7. You're wrong man. Look at my AV. Just look. And 'Bags one is a work of art. This will never stop being funny, it's like graffiti goggles! xx
  8. Haha true. Yeah I figured it'd've disappeared along with the galleries! xx
  9. I meant the original when he's in the tree? I can't see it there..? :S xx
  10. I've been trying to find a a copy of the EC 'thumb' pic to photoshop rathen onto. Anyone have a copy of it? xx
  11. Maybe he was nice to your face cause you're 9feet tall? xx
  12. It is. http://seagullscirclemycorpse.wordpress.com/tag/lucky-rathen-is-a-racist/ The bandcamp he links is to dave farquar anyway. Rathen was right though, fucking shit blog. xx
  13. Who?? What blog and what videos?? xx
  14. If I add you as a friend, what are the odds of you accepting? xx
  15. Chris the Mod also beat you to the tiger-stance pic though. xx
  16. It's really 6 and half a dozen if you ask me. Ross G had grovers on his Les Paul Jr and that thing was solid, never went out of tune. I have a set of Gotohs on one of my (currently dismantled) basses and they are great. Basically I'd say go with whatever you find a better deal on. xx
  17. Set up a dropbox. And nope, I could view an album called Dublin somethingorother, cover pictures and some other shite. Facebook privacy is utter wank. xx
  18. I don't actually know him either. Have mutual friends on facebook though and his profile isn't as private as he seems to think. Gotta love facebook and the lack of fucks they seem to give about this sort of thing. Plus I find this far too amusing not to jump in on. xx
  19. I'm in a band with Dubya, man. It's easy. xx EDIT: Seriously though, I just googled Chester Bennington lookalike and that pic of you came up.
  20. There are no pix on the photobucket of the bass. Got any? Also - you have pix of the univox you mentioned before or is that gone now? xx
  21. Anyone know how to reset my battery calibration stats without having rooted the phone? (Galaxy S2) xx
  22. I wonder how long it'll take for Milners av to stop making me laugh every time I look at it.... xx
  23. Wait, I thought Chris was a cat?! DO NONE OF YOU PEOPLE HAVE YOURSELF AS AN AVATAR?! I suppose you aren't a black and white fellow smoking a cigar either, Frosty? IF THAT'S EVEN YOUR REAL NAME?! xx
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