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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Who is Rathen's current avatar? xx
  2. Where's the chat about the best trilogies again? Universal Soldier needs to be mentioned there. 3 was the best one by FAR! xx
  3. It's a bomb. Someone call Jack Bauer. xx
  4. A fair few guys I went to school with signed up for the forces. One of them was/is a really decent guy, think he's a marine or some kind of double-hard bastard now, but he was always hard as bastards. The rest are fuckwitted arseholes who signed up so they could murder and rape brown people. One guy in particular, during a drunken conversation in the pub, boasted about shooting civillains / surrendering enemies in the hands as they held them in the air. It could all just be macho pub-talk bullshit, but part of me believes him. The soldiers who helped out in Japan after the tsunami hit could be deemed heroic, but murdering other soldiers for money doesn't. I say we send footballers to war, or something. OOooh or better yet, let's pay soldiers hundereds of thousands of pounds a week to kill other soldiers. That wouldn't be detrimental to our economy and it certainly wouldn't encourage all the wrong types of scumbag to sign up. Yeah, that's what we should do. Pay the money which our athletes generate to soldiers. NICE AND FAIR. I fucking hate everyone. xx
  5. If this is the bass I was playing with before, then it's an absolute cracker and someone need to snap this up! xx
  6. I'm considering upping to a 6x10, or maybe adding a 1x15 into the mix. I used a 2x15 at Tom's last week and fucking loved it, so much low end without losing much of the highs. But yeah, if I get my head shifted I'll probably invest in yours. xx
  7. This thread is my favourite. This shit has been popping up all over my facebook: FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU FUCKING CUNTY FUCK. xx
  8. I had intended to push this forward a little this week but due to shit being hectic at home it'll be next week before I get something going. I'll punt out some PMs when I can be arsed - looks like we'll be sans keyboard or horns for the first jam though, unless one of you can bring someone, so it'll just be a bit of fun and a fuck about. Guitards can maybe pick out trumpet licks and play them, or something. Soon, my pretties. Soon. xx
  9. Ashdown MAG300, rackmount version. Got a flightcase and rack tuner with it too. Moreorless mint. And an ampeg B410HLF which is pretty tatty cosmetically but works perfectly. Would probably keep the cab and just buy your head though, unless I did a tryout with both cabs and decided yours was too good to pass on. xx
  10. I must admit I want this pretty hard but unless I happen to find a buyer for my current rig then it's a no-go for me. Tidy setup though! xx
  11. Tonight: Demoing some tunez so that my useless pissflap guitard can maybe actually learn them. Tomorrow: Finish demoing if need be. Maybe some form of exercise, or Arkham City. Probably Arkham. Sunday: See previous. Might also put some hours in to (re)building the project basses I have sitting around. xx
  12. Well you've got nae baw hair. But you ARE a baw. Nae baw hair baw. Bare baw. xx
  13. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    They smell good too. xx
  14. I don't have a problem with people lying. I don't live in Japan, either. I have a problem with people telling the truth in a FUCKING HILARIOUS way. You baw. xx
  15. I've never given any shoegaze stuff a fair shake but I really fucking like this. No help on the gig front, but I can't be arsed finding a S,S thread in the feedback forum. /CSB xx
  16. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    Workwank in the disabled toilet. Superwin. xx
  17. I'm new to this "being outside" shit, so I wouldn't know. Plus I have no football boots so will have to either hope for dry enough grass for trainers not to slip on or chap some nails through the soles of my trainers. xx
  18. I've recently decide to stop hating sports as much in order to be less of a fat cunt. If there are any jumpers-for-goalposts affairs getting put together give me a shout, I'd be happy to embarass myself, swear lots and vomit while the rest of you try to score goaldowns. xx
  19. Works at: CEO at Professional Bum FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING CUNT! xx
  20. As though running isn't hard enough, there's all that fucking maths to do, too?? xx
  21. Drive faster, queer. xx
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