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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. They estimated our bill at being £300 too high, per month over 4 months. Looked at the meter and they assumed we were using double what we actually were. The worst of it was, we got a bill from Nov-Mar (or somewhere around there) that worked out at ~£200 a month. They then assumed that we'd use more than twice that amount over Mar-July. Fucktards. xx
  2. We had to book a train from Leeds to Aberdeen for a Burlesque performer 2 months in advance and the very cheapest I could get was circa £100 return. Fuck trains. xx
  3. Don't forget the sterling dialogue. And Schwarzeneggers performance! "Ice to mee'choo." xx
  4. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    Olympic Sumo? Is that a thing? xx
  5. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    I'll join the handball team, too. 4 men. 1 ball. Infinite PAIN! xx
  6. You play keys...? Are you a Blues Brothers fan, perchance? xx
  7. that is both hideous and beautifil. Looks like a '51 P bass. Want. xx
  8. Nah the next one is about Bruce Wayne going on a guinness bender. The Dark Shite. xx
  9. I hate that argument. I'm only willing to accept the premise a film lays out. Batman is set in a fictional city but all the rules of reality are real. Shoot someone, they die. Fall from a height, break bones and/or die. Bruce Wayne can kick a lot of ass, but with a recently broken back, falling from a height being hoisted by the wasit would snap him in half. xx
  10. Might've been I Love You, Man. xx
  11. Joe Strummer Victor Wooten Jaco Pastorious xx
  12. I fucking love Mosrite style guitars. Want. xx
  13. Oh. Where's the flat? xx
  14. You do have pretty hands, though. At least, they look pretty through your bathroom window. xx
  15. I was, I think Adam was just referring to the "original" trilogies and not the horseshit remakes added on at the end and I'm pretty sure Milner was serious. xx
  16. Or LotR. Or the Star Wars Prequels. Or American Pie (all 19 of them). xx
  17. Stroopy121

    The Olympics

    I'm boycotting it since they stopped doing the chariot racing. xx
  18. Definitely far too long. The 3 or 4 hours between Bane breaking the Bat (I can't decide if I love or hate how much that scene was underplayed..) and his escape from the pit could basically have been replaced with a montage and the film wouldn't be much worse off, really. Hardy played a fucking blinder as Bane. The voice was what it was, same as Bat-Bales voice. A necessary evil. I did think, though, that after Batman punched fuck out of Bane when Bane that he sounded too much like Darth Vader for my liking. And he was also fucking difficult to understand in places. Overall though I think he nailed it. Ledger's Joker gets a lot of good press because Joker is such a heavy-handed, eccentric character and Ledger gave the impression that he was genuinely fucking nuts when he played him. The other side of that coin, though, is that role would have been pretty much completely imposible to over-act, whereas if Hardy had tried to play Bane as too much of a hardman it'd have ended up looking like some parody Schwarzenegger role. So I think Hardy deserves all the praise Joker got. I'd have liked to see Bane rip faces off but I think the fact that he handed Batman's ass to him without breaking sweat got it across pretty well just how badass he is. You don't go from having no knee and a "vertebra sticking out of your back" to climbing a sheer rock face and kicking Bane's ass in 5 months. I don't care how many push-ups he did. I'm also reasonably sure, although it was explained the bomb had 5 months until detonation, that the timer on the bomb said 57 days when they load it into the lorry, but I may have misread. Nonetheless I'm willing to accept it on face value that it happened, suspension of disbelief etc. What I don't accept is that a child made a jump that no grown man ever has. Infact, that whole but irritated the balls off me. I got that he had to do it with no rope but figured it'd play out that the rope actually holds you back, or is some physical constraint, which would explain why nobody else managed it. So the whole "you need the fear" schtick annoyed me. I called that Bane wasn't Ra's' kid, that he was the protector in the pit rather than the child, but not that the lassie was Ra's Jr. I actually thought they'd kill off Fox when the reactor chamber flooded, too. Caine was great but the scene at the grave was a little soap-opera-y for my liking. I did like the idea of Alfred totally losing his shit given that he's always been such a calming influence in Wayne's life but it was just a bit... much. Overall I'd say it was a fitting end to the trilogy but it was far too long. I probably won't watch it again in any hurry. I'd probably rank the films BB=TDK>TDKR purely because BB is the only one which never really felt like it was dragging. It wasn't afraid to just shove in a training montage and leave out 20 minutes of unnecessary detail. Still a fucking cracker of a film though.
  19. Getting a new laptop at some point soonish. Considering getting a tablet (ipad or other) and the keyboard thing to go with it. I only really use the laptop for media and occasionally playing starcraft (so it'd have to be a windows OS to do that). Does anyone have one of these rather than a laptop? Would this be interchangeable with a standard laptop? xx
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