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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Tonight: Ladyboys of Bangkok Tomorrow: Sexbox in the morning, touch rugby in the afternoon, gig in Dundee at night. Sunday: Band practice in the morning/early afternoon, finally seeing Batman and Spider-Man in the evening. xx
  2. Just bought my ticket to Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie in glasgow. So much win. xx
  3. Take it to the equal marriage thread. Congratulations. xx
  4. ...are you trying to score extra points for having a celebrity die twice? xx
  5. I don't understand how sponsors think that'll help them! All I think now is that visa, coke and McD's are cunty bastards. More so than I thought before. xx
  6. 100% agree. The stuff I've been reading has all been "people's games" related. Folks who are a bit pissed off that the tickets are elusive and expensive when the corporate sponsors and politicians etc all have front-row seats. Petty shit, really. Have a look at "The Real Art of Protest" on facebook. They post a LOT of ridiculous shite about non-causes but can occasionaly be pretty informative. They are where I've encountered my only real anti-Olympic ramblings. xx
  7. Most of the complaining I've seen has been about commercialisation. The Olympic Games: Brought to you by McDonalds and Coca Cola. That kind of thing. Can't say I give much of a fuck, personally. xx
  8. Keyboards and horns. I plan to try to arrange a jam once we have someone to handle keys. I'll just pick a couple of tunes that we can learn in advance and jam out. xx
  9. The Black and Blues Brothers would be a fantastic name, then! xx
  10. Well yeah I didn't want to play the affirmative action card but we're gonna need at least one black guy (or girl, for that matter) for authenticity sake. xx
  11. I was thinking we could wear berets and necklaces made from onoins and garlic. Call ourselves the Bleus Brothers. I like your idea better though, but I imagine it may be taken...? xx
  12. Your name is in the hat. If you can recommend a keyboard and or horn players then it may help your odds! xx
  13. Is that the same Sally Ride that the song is about? xx
  14. More like LiverFool! AMIRITELADS? xx
  15. if you can't pre-record and had to play live just like the rest of us, would you actually be keen to play keys? xx
  16. How to you wrestle with jelly? Does anyone ever lose?! xx
  17. Done and done. So we have pre recorded keys and horns and a video-conferencing frontman. I smell victory! xx
  18. Only if you have tiny furniture to make you look tall. xx
  19. Still looking for some horny horns and keys but otherwise the lineup is moving along nicely! xx
  20. Could be a fan issue Soda. Have a look in there and see if it appears dusty/clogged. Put your hand behind the fan when you can haer it running and see if it feels limp and useless. If it does, get a can of compressed air - the stuff for cleaning laptops, looks like a wee tin of WD40 - and give the fan a blast. Might help! What RROD lights you getting? xx
  21. Not sure man. I wanna run with a comic idea I have about a guy with horrible IBS who keeps shitting his pants with joy at Enter Shikari gigs. While wearing one of his two hats. Not sure if you'd be able to relate to the character. xx
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