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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. The rabbit lives in a hutch outside. He has a run which he gets out in when the wife and I are home. The kittens haven't been outside yet but there are a load of cats on my street and none of them have bothered him at all. Also none of the cats/kittens have ever bothered the small animals either. If Scampi has been used to hunting lots then it may be a bit of trouble but after a while (s)he'll realise they can't get at the rabbit and leave it alone. As long as you have a sturdy cage then you're laughing. xx
  2. Peaches and Boo would make you their bitch. xx
  3. They do unravel into two seperate kittens when they aren't sleeping. It's like a really cute kitten mitosis. Kittosis. xx
  4. So now that the wife and I are home from Holiday, we have adopted two new kittens. The house feels much less lonely now! Current pet count, for those keeping score, is 1 bunny, 1 hamster, these two kittens and 5 degus. xx
  5. Haha, yeah I sobered up and had a wee google. It's the POS starter thing, fuck knows why it has the Fender title. Those two posted above are fucking beautiful though. Looks like I have a new project to rip apart and make good. She does play not-too-bad but yeah, thank fuck I only paid a small charity donation for it. xx
  6. Teabags. At the Moori... wait... fuck. Nevermind. xx
  7. So I just picked up a Fender Starcaster today at a charity auction. Plays similar to a Yamaha Pacifica, nice wee beast. Plain Black w/ white pearl scratcher. Anyone want to make me an offer....? xx
  8. Man that zebrawood board is fucking gorgeous! Xx
  9. Is that Jason Seagull rocking the bass? xx
  10. If you can play the moothie you're in! xx
  11. You, sir, are a fucking gent. £50 for a pair of P90s? Yes please! Got any more gems of websites for cheap/awesome pups, save me spending £150 on a pair of Phat Cats! xx
  12. Tonight - Packing / Guitar repairs Tomorrow - Having friends over for dinner/booze/etc Sunday - Fly to Paris for my Anniversary. xx
  13. You fucking junkie. You better not be taking that shit near a school! xx
  14. It's also ace-ic that the category is "comedy". Idk why, but it is. Also ace-ic, last day of work before fucking off to Paris on holiday! xx
  15. Would I have to drink fizzy wine/champagne regularly? As it is, I only do on 'occasions'. TBH, either way I'd be happy to do that. That sounds fucking epic. I've never heard of harry potter expanding foam powder but I'm not deeply saddened by it's absence from my life. xx
  16. This or a list of all possible "life-improving" surgeries that you can pick from. Then I'd consider it. £1m per year, per surgery, or a lump sum? xx
  17. Randall is the fucking MAN! Today's xkcd is one of my favourites. That and the ball pool one. xx
  18. I do not, yet. I have, however, made the decision to pay for it because times like these shall make it most worth the money. xx
  19. Both. Cracking. I'd lean more to the stonery Red Fang just now, but I love the You Slut! stuff too. xx
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