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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. Having one of my infrequent-but-insatiable RIFF binges. Could one of you kind afficianados recommend me a record or two that is jam packed with RIFFS! Fuckload of good songs in here but I don't wanna end up buying albums that are balls with the exception of one epic tune. Also, if you have any good shoegaze recommendations then one or two albums would be nice. Have never really given the genre much time but would like to dip my toes in the water. xx
  2. Shit man, meant to reply to this but couldn't be arsed because I hate you. Honestly, whether a gig is for charity or not makes no difference at all to the turnout in my experience. Get a good lineup and you'll get a turnout. We fundraise for PAPYRUS (Prevention of Young Suicide) who very few people up here are familiar with, which is why we do everything we can to spread their name around and get their message out there. The troubles of charity gigs are exactly the same as any other, the only difference is that a lot of bands will play for reduced fee, as long as you cover their fuel expenses etc so they aren't out of pocket, and you can often get free/cheap venue hire (depending on venue) so your overheads can be kept pretty low. Honestly, if you try to sell a gig purely because "it's for charity" nobody will give a shit. Sell a good gig and the money will happen. Our gigs where we had solid headline acts (Ascension, The Upstarts, Amber Wilson etc) were where we raised decent money. Our Burlesque nights are pulling in circa £1,000 for the charity per event. Fact is, it doesn't matter what the charity is, or if it's a for-profit gig. Punters will only go if they want to go. Just try to make the best of being able to push your overheads down to maximise what you can pass on to the charity. xx
  3. Doesn't count as a stalk. He acknowledged you. Jake, YOU SUCK. Spotted, Gypsum and Jake fist-bumping on the 727 bus this morning. xx
  4. Ahhh that makes sense. Will have a look tonight, cheers! xx
  5. So I just put an AC/DC record on my ipod. I added the songs to the RAWK playlist. They all play fine, but when I browse by artist there is no listing under AC/DC. The album shows up when I browse albums but there is no fucking sign of them in the artist list. What the fuck? xx
  6. FWIW if I had the cash available I'd snap this up. xx
  7. Yeah, not gonna lie it'd be a sex thing for me, too. Infact, if I'm totally honest, if the girl was hot enough and I got to fuck her after I'd drink her piss if she asked me to. xx
  8. Guitarist in sanctuary has about 9 rick's. Weird things to play. Larvely though. xx
  9. I've drank a pint of my own puke for a laugh. I shaved my eyebrows off for a pie and a can and a tin of coke. I'd do a half pint of clear piss from a hot chick for £50. Half pint of clear dude-piss or girl hangover-piss for £100. xx
  10. I only liked that post because your new avatar made me lol. xx
  11. The other one looks just like Timmy Mallet.. xx
  12. Captain Toms could be an amazing shout for hosting gigs more often. Never made it down to any of the gigs there yet but it'd be a fantastic size for most of the wee shows in Aberdeen. xx
  13. Yeah I often forget about Tuff Wax because they don't cater to styles of music I'm a particular fan of, but there's them, Black Lake and others floating about too! Not to mention Fat Hippy slogging away in the background as always. xx
  14. ...and isn't the scene currently overflowing with bands from genres clear across the board, from Stanley to Indian Red Lopez to Dweller to Grader. Shows aren't generally very busy but fucking nothing is busy these days! Nobody has any money! Pubs and clubs are going bust left and right, but we still have a healthy selection of gigs on just about every night of the week because folk like AGP and Daily Dischord are still happy to run gigs here either making losses or breaking even. I don't see why all the peeking about the scene being shit is going around...? Is it because you think your band are amazing but nobody likes you? And because you don't like the bands that are pulling big crowds? I just don't get it. xx
  15. Is this thread worth reading from the start, or is it shit? xx
  16. Meg White has a sex tape floating around. It's kinda disgusting, in a really sexy way. Or sexy in a disgusting way. Or something. xx
  17. Ahh Scott! Yeah he's one of the gents I have in mind. I took over for him on bass when he left Sanctuary for Stanley. xx
  18. Yes. I would be very up for that. xx
  19. Nice. On it like stink on shit. xx
  20. Yeah horns won't be easy to find. I know a couple of people who play horns, will see if any of them are interested! A Jake and Elwood may be hard to find, especially one who plays moothie! xx
  21. I want a buritto. What's the story with this buritto dude on George St? Is it a takeaway van or a shop or what? Anyone know the opening hours and is it a short jaunt from Cap'n Tom's? xx
  22. I don't know who any of those people are. Buy my guitar, now? xx
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