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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. I've always fucking loved the Blues Brothers. Wouldn't mind getting a handful of musicians together for a few jams and a bit of fun. I play bass, would need a couple of axe-men, some horns, drummer and front-man/men. Just a bit of fun and a fuck about to start with and see if it goes anywhere. Anyone interested? xx
  2. FYI - the Epi 'buckers are "E-Series "Ultra Hot" Humbuckers" off an E-Series Nuclear Extreme LP. xx
  3. Bump - will also throw in the 'buckers frmo my Epi Les Paul along with the soapbar P90s (+cash) for a pair of 'bucker-fitting P90s. xx
  4. OOOhhhh the Stoney Folk Festival is this weekend?? I didn't realise, might pop through with the wife, weather permitting! xx
  5. How excited are my band to be practising tonight? Yeaaahhh!!!!11111 Did you know I'm in a band? There's a band and I'm in it. Me. xx
  6. No occasion in mind yet, I just don't want to be caught short when my destiny makes itself clear to me. I think I'll probably go with "I'm so close to ejaculating but there just isn't enough of a crowd to be worth it" face. xx
  7. £201. Seriously though, beautiful bass. Mex fenders get a bad rep but if you find a good one they can be absolute gems! I'd be right on this if I hadn't recently made other acquisitions. xx
  8. Anyone have any suggestions of places I'd be able to get a big blow-up print of me pulling a funny face like in my av? xx
  9. A numbnuts blocked the bypass? What bypass? xx nb: I'm not trolling, I genuinely have no idea what happened...?
  10. Fuck - I didn't mention that it's an electro-acoustic in full working order, did I? It's electro-acoustic, fully working. xx
  11. Haha, if I post a photo of it without the light making a cup-ring-looking reflection on it, then what about £40? xx
  12. Bump. £45 for the guitar or make me an offer. I also have a pair of dunan designed soap bar P90s to add to a trade against a pair of Phat Cats, Wizards, P-Rails or other 'bucker-size P90s (+cash if necessary) xx
  13. I understand now. As you were. xx
  14. What in Satan's glorious name does that mean? xx
  15. Fit aboot g'wa'n hae a dram? xx
  16. I think the Higgs Boson is a myth. Like the moon landing and gravity. xx
  17. If it's enough to play street fighter on the megadrive then at least 3. xx
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