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Everything posted by Stroopy121

  1. You kicked his arse because he only has two thumbs and can't work the bastardised control system! xx
  2. Shoulder buttons >> 6 command buttons which you're meant to operate with ONE FUCKING THUMB. Arsetard design. xx
  3. yeah I'm with milner on that one. I'd take both ideally but it's no contest that snes > megadrive xx
  4. Wonderful! Yeah I fucking love NPH just couldn't make out it was him in the picture. So much win. xx
  5. Easiest decision I've ever encountered in a point'n'click style game! xx
  6. Oh, also, What you're talking about here is sometimes referred to as "functional alcoholism". Falls under the same category as the rig-pig type mentality where there are two sober, hard working weeks offshore, then two blistering drunk rampaging weeks at home. Yes it's a problem, it's a big fat stinking problem because it's so hard to define. BUT, habitually having a beer to unwind after work isn't anything like the same thing as functional alcoholism... having a wank every day doesn't make you a sex addict, is it? xx
  7. There is no such thing as a sweet tooth, only sugar addiction. People who "can't function without their morning coffee" have a caffiene addiction. Addiction is everywhere in our society. Forcing people behind closed doors isn't a viable option as it will do nothing but encourage binge culture. Furthermore, there is a world of difference between wanting a pint and needing one. Pints are delicious, refreshing and relaxing. They also form part of a social experience should you so desire. Yes, alcohol can also ruin lives and kill people, but you're arguing as though you believe that it's impossible to want to drink without being addicted. I can't get to the pub/beer garden fast enough on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I enjoy a glass of wine while out for a meal with my wife. And in the past I have also went out of my way to drink until I did something stupid. Banning public drinking will destroy the only positives from alcohol consumption and enforce the negative. It's a stupid fucking argument, Jake. xx
  8. I don't know how far in the demo takes you, but I only really started getting into it after I left the little girl's house. xx
  9. Also - I have no idea why I fucking love this blog so much, but I do. The writing is excellent. Keep it up! xx
  10. They put out an ad campaign saying that their formula was better for babies than breast milk, even though it gave babies aids, cancer and herpes. Or something. They are cunts. xx
  11. I suppose you want to ban heroin too you nazi! xx
  12. Because he listens to hardcore now and Rollins doesn't drink. xx
  13. Stealing food from Waitrose bins is approx 68% posher than buying food from Asda. xx
  14. Pokemon (gameboy). Admit it, we've all logged, like, bazillions of hours playing that. xx
  15. Stroopy121

    Your current read?

    As cool as being a rock star sounds, I can't help pity people when the only part of their life that isn't a bag of shit is their job.. xx
  16. Yes, people get drunk in pubs. But not everyone who sets foot in a pub falls out the door rat-arsed. If I just got home from a month on a boat at 7am I'd be fucking happy to get some breakfast and have a pint and a game of pool, rather than going home and looking at facebook. You say you'd wanna sleep in your own bed, but at that time you'll have just woken up. The wasters and fuckwits you're complaining about aren't necesarily the same guys who get home from a boat and want to have a bit of fun. While I understand your grievance with anti-social behaviour, I'd rather they got an early start and could all black out during working hours so I don't have to deal with them going about my business. xx
  17. Anyone got any Zombie game recommendations? Not the biggest fan of CoD Zombies, I prefer more RPG-style Zombie games. Is Dead Island worth picking up? Anyone got a copy of Dead Rising they'll flog on for tuppence? They're around £5 on amazon but if the wife sees me buying more stuff she'll lose her shit! Anyone know if Z-Day requires a particularly impressive computer to play it? xx
  18. That's the one! Couldn't remember the name of it! xx
  19. It'd be Pro Skater 2 I'd have to put in as it was the one which sucked me right into that game. The last one I played was total balls though. xx
  20. I have no idea what these women are all meant to be doing with guitars. Someone needs to get them back into the kitchen. xx
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