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Posts posted by Volta

  1. Wow, didn't realise this would spark this kind of debate.

    I know there's a lot of information on the internet already about publishing deals/companies, you just have to spend the time researching. The TAXI website has some very informative articles for example although I would never join this comany. They're only a U.S. song plugger who charge you a few hundred buck a year. Some good free articles though! http://www.taxi.com/faq/index.html

    I also found a great website detailing U.K publishers website/contact details and whether they were seeking material or not. A lot of bands/songwriters send out demos to companies that wont listen to them for legal reasons or that aint even working in the same genre as the artist. There's no point in just sending out a hundred demos to any company you can find. Waste of time and money.

    Some publishing comanies will also help bands with development deals and will record demos or even albums to plug to record comapanies or management. KT Turnstall also got a publishing deal first before getting a record deal further down the line. So if your in a band looking for a record deal, it might be worth targeting publishing companies aswell.(especially of the independant variety, my personal opinion)

    I'll find the website and post the link if anyones interested?

  2. Was planning on doing mostly originals and then chuck in a cover or two to appease any drunken crowds who fancy a sing along. There's a few I know of. Tunnels on tues, Drummonds wed, Cellar35 thur, macamerons every 2nd sunday and a new one at the globe every sunday. Plenty opportunites to get started.

  3. Haha! I know, it does sounds like I'm jumping the gun a bit.

    On the other hand, I've been busy writing songs and crafting away for 5/6 years since I started playing guitar so got a nice supply of songs to be whoring about. Oops I meant promoting!

    Maybe I should just focus on getting some gigs for now, hehe!

  4. Just wandering if any songwriters out there are pursuing some sort of publishing deal while based in Aberdeen? And if so, what sort of success have you had in pursuing a deal?

    I'm told it is possible to do, even while based in the far reaches of the granite city but it works in the same sort of way as a record deal, in that you've got to get yourself out there, get heard, make a name for yourself etc. Any experiences in this area?

  5. Yip, planning on hitting the tunnels. Tuesday night I think it is?

    I've done open mics in Glasgow and foolishly tried a very new song after a few too much. Forgot all the words but nevertheless mumbled through to the end. Ye learn from your mistakes though. Best thing was just to get back up and do it again the next week... sober.

  6. Hi folks.

    Anyone else intersted in hitting the open-mic nights to try out new songs and hone their performing skills?

    I'm just starting out playing live so don't know too many folks in the local scene. So if anyone else is on the same boat, PM me and we can meet up and hit some venues.



  7. Howdi folks!

    Looking for a drummer and 2nd electric guitarist to complete line-up. Songs written/arranged and may be described as upbeat/rocking pop music. Demos available for interested folks. No experience necessary but looking for a degree of ability/improvisation for gigs. Age less important unless your collecting your pension soon! (i'm 24)

    PM to talk


  8. I bet it's the publishers who have got the ball rolling. Rick Rubin must have realised the danger...i blame him.

    Some amusing other articles on that site


    Bon Jovi: 'I Won't be Like the Stones' The singer wants to grow old gracefully away from the stage.

    Rocker Jon Bon Jovi finds the aging Rolling Stones a musical embarrassment and vows to retire at the right age.

    The singer wants to grow old gracefully away from the stage and admits he finds it amazing the Stones are still rocking in their sixties.

    Bon Jovi' date=' 44, says, "I won't be like the Stones. "You probably heard Keith (Richards) fell out of a tree a few days ago. I don't envision myself being like that.

    "The minute that this is all nostalgia, that it's the fat guys, I'm out. Until then, I can't stop."[/i']

    That's rich coming from a man who's living on a 1980's prayer:D

    The fat bastard widna be able to climb a tree in the first place! If Bon Jovi had any credibility to lose, then it would now be lost.

  9. Thing is' date=' it's just very very unlikely.

    RHCP released a double album. I can't see Frusciante kickin' back with 27 songs, having a wee listen to Tom Petty and thinking 'hmm, I'm completely out of ideas, and hell, 28's a nice even number'. Then just to be cheeky bastards, they'd decide to release it as their first single.

    It's more likely that it was a subconcious accident. A very expensive accident, but it was unlikely a mallicious thing.[/quote']

    Have to agree that it was probably sunconcious or just pure chance. I think it happens all the time in music. E.g. The verses in the Streets song about going to Church or some shit like that is exact same chords as Let It Be by the Beatles. At least the rapping is different!

    Just depends on whether the powers at be pick up on it and then decide to sue.(which is more than likely decided by 5 grey suited men sitting round a table rather than Petty himself)

  10. Hard to disagree. Hard to agree.

    Great song from Bowies' best album IMO. His Ziggy era stuff is of course great as well but Station To Station took it to another level that no other artist had been before or since. Word on a Wing has got that dramatic almost musical sound to it, simple verses and then just takes off into another realm. Fantastic!!!

    Prefer TVC15 I have to say. Fuck knows what it's about though. Where was that mans head in the mid seventies?!?

    Best song though? Phew, Heroes maybe?. Nah, you just can't choose, he's got so many contenders.

    For Bowie fans, if you go onto You Tube on the net, search for Sound and Vision and you'll find a great live video from the 90's. It's got the best guitar sound I've ever heard.

  11. I just think it is totally bizarre that so many of the people that frequent this site are obsessed by bands that even our parents found boring back in the day' date=' or cheapo american bands. It just stinks of denial and defeat, it's lazy and utterly deplorable. GET A LIFE! CREATE![/quote']

    Care to elaborate?

    Why denial, defeat and lazy?

  12. Good topic!

    Singing: Bowie, Lennon, Dylan, Jagger.

    Guitar: Keith Richards, Johnny Marr, Mick Taylor, Dylanj, Lennon

    For me, the Stones music was a great starting point for diversifying into and exploring other styles, e.g. country, blues, reggae, r'n'r,soul. So thanks to Keith for that!

  13. This open-mic at Moorings sounds a bit of a joke. I've never been mind, just going by the feedbacK. If you want to see how a really good open-mic night is held, go to Nice'n'Sleazys in Glasgow on a monday night if you ever find yourself in the vicinity. Superb evening hosted by a superb host, which maybe expalins why it is attended by 200 folks week in week out.

  14. At the risk of sounding like an Emo kid' date=' anyone who doesn't find Coldplay's new song 'Fix You' beautiful and moving was born without a soul.

    In fact they are the devil.

    "When the tears come streaming down your face......

    When you lose something you can't replace....."[/quote']

    I was born without a soul then., thank God for expression through music! :cheers: Can understand the sentiment, fair enough.

    See what your saying, although, to point out a couple examples,

    Let It Loose,

    " Your in the bar getting drunk....

    Anit in love, aint in luck........"

    and Help by The Beatles are very moving to me. Moving words and great music to match.

    If the music and singing's shit however (basically everything coldplay do), then I won't get moved. Lots of other stuff moves me to tears but no, nae coldplay. Music's too piss poor.

  15. see why do u need to start everytime?

    You kids are pathetic all you can do is argue over a message board about stupid little things. can you not just leave it for once??

    All i wanted was people opinions on this matter' date=' not another bitching fest between doc/gregor and everyone else. In fact doc has made some of the best posts on this thread :up: i really wish some of you could grow up and stay out of things if you have no real interest in them.


    You wanted opinions, ye got them.

    Clapton and Mick Taylor play(ed?) fast as fuck but sound magnificent. Metal kid plays twice as fast to impresse his/her mates then realises that it really doesn't sound good and so cranks up the distortion to hide the painful truth that they can't really play all that good.

  16. For my money though the most dispicable case of bandwagoning was Phil Collins' story about Cher at Live Aid. She was on the same Concorde as him as he flew over to the US and she thought all the journalists were on the plane for her so she rushed off to put her wig on in the toilets. When she realised they weren't she asked Collins what was going on. He said it was Live AId. She had no idea what Live AId or the famine problem was. This is ON THE DAY OF THE CONCERT.

    "I'd love to be involved" she said.

    After Collins had done his set he was asked to sing a verse of We Are the World at the end with all the other main contributors but said he'd probably screw it up so declined. He went back to his hotel and watched' date=' only to see Cher at the front of the stage taking a bow and singing. A couple of hours earlier she hadn't even heard of a famine in Africa.[/quote']


    Funny but fills me with so much hatred and cynicism at the same time. :swearing:

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