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Posts posted by Murrr

  1. Contrary to what a lot of people are saying in this thread, I tend to find that if you are super nice to a customer who is an absolute prick then the results are a lot more satisfying. From experience, I tend to find that if I purposefully act a tad grumpy to a prick of a customer then, as sad as it sounds, I kind of feel like they have won. There's a good chance that they only came in to provoke a reaction from you anyway, so why give them that satisfaction? Also, when a bastard customer brings me to that level, sometimes I feel like my nose has been put out of place and it shakes me up a little which can reflect poorly on the way I deal with the next customer.

    I understand that it's not applicable to every situation but if you can remain calm and composed with these people then they will go away feeling like arseholes and you won't feel like crap for letting a prick get under your skin. I mean, at the first whiff of a personal insult I usually ask the person to leave the premsis anyway, but it's fun to make them look like complete and utter tosspots in front of other people.

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  2. Just read Don Winslow's "The Winter of Frankie Machine" which was a fun read. A slow build that leads to a stunning, fast-moving crescendo. Currently have Richard Brautigan's "Revenge of the Lawn" on the go, and I'm about to start "Neuromancer" by William Gibson.

  3. I think you'll love it. Brooker's a genius.

    Hear hear. Haven't got his new one yet, but "Screen Burn" is a corker!

    Just finished "Post Office" by Charles Bukowski. It's pretty short, I managed to polish it off in just two days, but I thought it was awesome.

    Vonnegut "Slaughterhouse 5" is up next. After that I'm going to take my first foray into sci-fi with "The Time Machine".

  4. We shall see.

    It was more because I was running out of players to pick I think. Team may change slightly before Saturday though...

    Seriously, he's fucking rubbish. Get shot. Wouldn't expect him to get a game either. Pick up some cheap Croatian on the sly, solid team.

  5. 1:Lehmann

    2: Materazzi

    3: Rozehnal

    4: Evra

    5: Puyol

    6: Cristiano Ronaldo ©

    7: Nani

    8: Linderoth

    9: Kranjčar

    10: Torres

    11: Huntelaar

    Sub: Baro

    Are you mad!?! He's got to be one of the most incompetant defenders I've ever seen... and I'm a Newcastle fan!

  6. hopefully that'll have changed by a bit later on today once the remaining superdelegates start publicly backing obama and pushing him towards 2118 delegates.

    dunno why people are posting here saying a black person won't be president. all the polls so far have shown that obama has wide support across the racial spectrum and when asked those voting have consistently said race was not an issue.

    if he doesn't get elected it's probably going to be because he's a little on the vague side with policies and mccain(who is generally pretty popular with conservative democrats as well as his own party) is seen as a strong leader.

    should be an interesting race though.

    Hear hear. Just waiting for somebody to pull out the vintage "BUT THE SOUTHERN STATES WON'T VOTE FOR HIM 'COS THEY ARE ALL RACISTS" line.

  7. Graham Rix's U16's fuck i think i may have peed a little!!!:laughing:

    *tips hat*

    Thank you sir.

    Here are the U16's in all their glory...

    GK. Cech

    DF. Cannavaro

    DF. Kovac

    DF. Corluka

    DF. Abidal

    MF. Ronaldo ©

    MF. Fabregas

    MF. De Rossi

    MF. Modric

    ST. Klose

    ST. Mutu

    Sub. Streller

    Might fanny about with the team a little before the big kick-off as there's a couple I'm unsure of.

  8. DontFeedTheTroll.jpg

    So yeah, the film. I thought it was a load of bullshit, but in a good way. Not the kind of movie I'd normally go and see but it was good fun and a great way to get away from the stress of exams for a couple of hours. I thought Blanchett was pretty crap overall, tbh... I just didn't believe she was evil at all. The major issue I had was...

    ... when the alien and the big fuck-off flying saucer turned up! What a load of nonsense!

  9. Allegedly Alan Smith of Newcastle is going to the huns as well. He'd probably be alright in the SPL.

    I hope you are right, sir.

    To be honest, I think he'd still be pretty fucking shit even in the SPL though. Might be good for 6-8 goals a season, something like that.

  10. For Newcastle, I'd like to see King Kev punt some of the shite in the Summer. I don't expect David Rozehnal to be seen in a black and white shirt again, and I'd love to see the back of Alan Smith and Super Shola. I can see Duff and/or N'Zogbia leaving as well, and I wouldn't be too surprised if one of Owen/Martins left along with Shay Given (provided that Steve Harper starts next season in goals, which I imagine he will given his recent form).

    That leaves a big shopping list! We could do with strengthening just about every position on the field, apart from in goals (Harper and Given are top notch, while Tim Krul, Fraser Forster and Ole Soderberg look good for the future). In defence I'd like to see a left-back to compete with Enrique, a right-back as back-up to Habib Beye, and a rock solid centre-half, Richard Dunne in an ideal world. In midfield we'll probably need to replace N'Zogbia/Duff, and we still lack a bit of creativity through the middle. Wouldn't mind seeing that Arshavin bloke from Zenit, actually. Then up front we MIGHT have to replace Martins/Owen... and we should probably sign a target man to rotate with The Fat Guy (Viduka).

    Should be a pretty exciting Summer =). Hopefully this coming season will see a few more youngsters coming through the ranks; Kazenga LuaLua, Tamas Kadar and Fabio Zamblera in particular look pretty tasty.

  11. Woke up at 5 (stupid stupid stupid), did some last-minute cram revision, unleashed a can of whoop-ass on my exam, got back at 11, read for a few hours, phoned the ol' ball and chain, read for a few more hours, ate some dinner, went to see Indy (it's not bad), came home, collapsed in bed.


  12. Dons v. Bayern at home.

    Dons v. Copenhagen at home... think I enjoyed this one a little more actually, the atmosphere was awesome.

    Dons finishing fourth, getting to the semi-finals of two cups and doing great in Europe. Anyone who thinks we've had a shit season is a fucktard, tbh.

    Newcastle whomping Spurs 4-1, eat that! :up:

    Habib Beye in general (especially when he throttled Morten Gamst Pedersen)

    The return of Kevin Keegan was one of the most exciting days I've had as a football fan (I support Aberdeen and Newcastle, go figure!).

    Rangers NOT winning the UEFA Cup.

    Ronaldo missing that penalty in the Champs League final... I know it means fuck all in the grand scheme of things, but I almost fell off my chair laughing. Arse.

    "We need a big fat bloke to sit up top and feed from Michael and Oba; Mark (Viduka) fills that role nicely!" - King Kev.

    Any time that Paul Jewell gave one of his "we're shit and we know we are" interviews, love the dude's honesty.

    Beating Scumderland.

    Robbie Savage getting relegated.

  13. The Ting Tings was actually a good catalyst for my revision the other day too.

    The title says "music" man, not ear-rape :up:

    When I'm revising I'm usually listening to anything with a calming influence; if it's too fast-paced, aggressive or dynamite it just completely obliterates my train of thought. So for the past couple of weeks I've been spinning a bunch of post-rock (Explosions In The Sky, Mono, etc.), Buck 65, a few select Clint Mansell tracks, and some stuff from the more psychedelic end of the stoner rock spectrum. Afterwards I usually grab a Crowbar CD to blow the cobwebs away.

  14. I'll be rooting for Turkey, purely for the Newcastle factor (Emre, innit). I fancy Croatia to do some damage and cause a few upsets; they've got a good young manager and some sublime players (Modric, Kranjcar, Kovac, Klasnic, etc.). I think they'll make the semis at the very least.

  15. I'm actually pretty gutted that United won. Don't get me wrong, I hate Chelsea as much as the next guy, and I have a lot of respect for the likes of Sir Alex, Giggs, Scholes, etc. It's just the ridiculous amount of gloating I'll have to put up with from glory-hunting mates who've never stepped foot in the city of Manchester in their life that I'll have to put up with. I know that the same arguement can be thrown at Chelsea, but I only know one Chelsea fan, and he's actually from London, whereas I know a ridiculous amount of red noses.

    Bah, maybe I'm just a bitter old Newcastle fan...

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