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Are Spike Pile Driver for real?

Guest treader.

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Guest treader.

This isn't slagging them off, i'm just intrigued, are they just there for novelty, or are they actually a serious band, that plan to hit it big and stuff???

Im confused.

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Why do peopls have to measure success by making it 'big', selling heaps of stuff, playing big venues with big bands? For the 1,000th time; NOT EVERYONE IS IN A BAND TO BE FAMOUS. I bet for every touring band that do it as a full-time job there's a hundred small bands happier playing their local venues to some just as dedicated fans.

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I dunno if I should comment as I've been in the band the shortest time but Spike isn't a novelty band. Anyone who stayed to the end of our gig on the 16th April, amongst Hogs drunken banter may have heard a new song which actually hit the 2 minute mark. Spike like to entertain but not are just a joke...theres tons of bands doing that kind of music, we're obviously never aspiring to make it into the charts, just like none of the bands that Jake listens to will ever (the rest of us all like music thats easier on the ears as well as noise) make it the big time but Spike have appeared on a compilation from...Macedonia I belive? With bands well known on the DIY grind/crust scene such as See You in Hell and we're also appearing on a CD in the U.S I think. Most importantly, we have a laugh doing what we do.

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Why do peopls have to measure success by making it 'big'' date=' selling heaps of stuff, playing big venues with big bands? For the 1,000th time; NOT EVERYONE IS IN A BAND TO BE FAMOUS. I bet for every touring band that do it as a full-time job there's a hundred small bands happier playing their local venues to some just as dedicated fans.[/quote']

Damn right!!! Look at a band like Filthpact, you ain't gonna see them on Top of the pops or playing the NME stage, but you will see they have toured extensively around the UK and Europe, released a few records and generally just do what they love doing...theres not many local bands you can say that about!

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Guest Jake Wifebeater
This isn't slagging them off' date=' i'm just intrigued, are they just there for novelty, or are they actually a serious band, that plan to hit it big and stuff???

Im confused.[/quote']

Christ, this again.

First, the novelty thing. There will always be folk who hear us and it just so happens that this is the first time they've heard stuff like that. There's fuck all I can do about that, so it's not our fault if people misguidedly define it as "novelty". This style of music has been on the go for almost twenty years now, and I've been listening to it for about fifteen of those. Apart from anything else, Spike have been on the go for 4 years now, so the "novelty" tag can hardly apply.

Serious band? Yes and no. When it comes to recording for releases, it's all business. Playing live, we like to have a laugh and a good time. We seem to offend people occasionally, which is of supreme indifference to ourselves. As long as we enjoy what we do, we don't give two hoots and a handjob what people think of it.

Hit it big? Fuck that nonsense. This type of music will never hit off, and that's why I love it so much. I'll leave it to certain other bands around here to try and chase the rockstar dream, and I refuse to lift a finger to help them. They'll soon fall flat anyway. We just like to get on with it, recording and releasing and getting our stuff around the globe via various contacts I'm lucky to have.

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Guest Scorge Spike
This isn't slagging them off' date=' i'm just intrigued, are they just there for novelty, or are they actually a serious band, that plan to hit it big and stuff???

Im confused.[/quote']

The fact you have to question that we are 'for real' is effectively slagging us off. Tit.

EDIT: Just been told who you are, which explains why you're a tit. ( :up: )

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Guest Scorge Spike
Perhaps a career in performing arts is a bad idea....


Thanks for the psychoanalyis, I'm off to have sex with a hooker.......

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