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Starting mini studio set up for vox


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I think from now on, I hope that Element will record everything in a studio, but the vocals in my house. A slightly bold move for someone who knows exactly what sound I want but doesnt know how to use pro tools etc.

Why a home set up? Well I love trillions of layers and this takes time, time costs money.

Firstly, I really want an Eventide effects processor, although if there is a software plugin equivalent that would rock.

Secondly a decent mike, recommendations?

Thirdly, is protools the best option, although I can learn stuff pretty quickly.

Fourthly *spelling* hehe, What is best to use so I can add the vocals to the rest of the recording without it sounding like a seperate entity?

Ok, probably should record the lot in a studio but I love the difficult options because Im awkward.:up:

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I think from now on' date=' I hope that Element will record everything in a studio, but the vocals in my house. A slightly bold move for someone who knows exactly what sound I want but doesnt know how to use pro tools etc.

Why a home set up? Well I love trillions of layers and this takes time, time costs money.

Firstly, I really want an Eventide effects processor, although if there is a software plugin equivalent that would rock.

Secondly a decent mike, recommendations?

Thirdly, is protools the best option, although I can learn stuff pretty quickly.

Fourthly *spelling* hehe, What is best to use so I can add the vocals to the rest of the recording without it sounding like a seperate entity?

Ok, probably should record the lot in a studio but I love the difficult options because Im awkward.:up:[/quote']

Home recording at a professional level is expensive. It makes breeding horses or keeping sailing boats look cheap. If you are not earning money through music, I would think twice and even thrice about sinking thousands into kit that, once you have bought it, is more or less worthless. But hey nonny no and off we go, let's look at the options:

1. Effects? Eventide? They cost money. Somewhere beteen 3,000 and 6,000 depending on model. I'm working on the asumption that this is a hobby, so I would pass on this.

2. Mike? The Neumann hand-held thing (I forget the model number, so take a look at their website) is brilliant for the amateur. It is the bee's knees for vocals and just perfect for on-stage work, so you can use it for so many things that it is worth the 300 or more that it costs. I can think of no other mic in that price range that comes anywhere close.

3. ProTools may be the professional editing package of choice in the post production industry in and around London, but that does not mean that it is right for you. If you do not need MIDI, take a look at Soundscape. ProTools Lite is unstable and only of any real use for editing only (i.e. not mixing and not adding effects). There are many options to go for at all price levels here.

4. A good microphone (see above!)

And lastly: Yes, you're darn tootin' you should go to a studio (I would say that wouldn't I? I own a studio after all!) But you don't have to come to us, go to a studio and record to multitrack. If you insist on doing the home thing, take the multitrack (as a DVD-R) with you and play with it on a PC in CuBase or something like that and learn how all this malarkey works. Capt. Toms (I hear) has a service that does this and it would be the cheapest and most sensible way to learn about recording.

Buying a big pile of stuff and then learning what to do with it is a mug's game!




P.S. Ahhh! Just found that Neumann mic. The KMS 105. It costs 400 at www.musicstore.com and at www.thomann.de

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