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This is a track I started on a while back but never got round to finishing, so I thought I may aswell post it up here rather than let it sit around on my HD doing nothing. I'm pretty pleased with the production quality, I think it's pretty clean, but as always I would like to hear what you think of it.


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Guest Neubeatz


This is very clean, but too short, maybe you wrote it for an ad? or an intro to a bigger/longer work.

Anyway it's verging on the too mellow ;) but the ending sure works..:) I can just hear it sliding down that ending and morphing into a full on hardcore squarepusher type banger..!!! One day I'll have enough Stripey/Gridlock tracks to mix myself a little album, heh, ;)

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Strpey' date='

This is very clean, but too short, maybe you wrote it for an ad? or an intro to a bigger/longer work.

Anyway it's verging on the too mellow ;) but the ending sure works..:) I can just hear it sliding down that ending and morphing into a full on hardcore squarepusher type banger..!!! One day I'll have enough Stripey/Gridlock tracks to mix myself a little album, heh, ;)[/quote']

Yeah the original intention was to break it down into something a lot darker, so I wanted to build this nice atmosphere at the start to create a contrast...but I got bored and had other things to do. :love:

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