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A man walks into a bar

Guest Hon Jonda

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Guest Hon Jonda

Surprisingly i couldnt find any pictures searching opn google image search for

A) "being hit with a bar"

B) "hit with an iron bar"

C) "hit with a bar"

There goes my photoshop idea

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3 pieces of string outside a bar plotting their way of getting in.

First piece of string walks into the bar...

Barman - "We don't serve pieces of string, get the hell out!"

Second piece tries...

Barman - "I just told your little mate, NO STRING! Piss off!"

Third piece ruffles up his 'hai'r and makes a few loops round himself...

Barman - "Don't tell me you're another piece of string?!!"

String 3 - "No, I'm afraid not."


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3 homeless guys,

one walks into the bar and asks for a cocktail stick, barman gives him one and asks him to leave.

second one asks for the same and leaves.

Third one come in and asks for a straw, and the bar man says 'how come the other two wanted cocktail sticks and you want a straw?'

the homeless guy replies.

'someone was sick outside and all the good bits have gone'

yas min

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