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Live Jazz and Free Food at Snafu!

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That got your attention you hungry hippos.

If you're feeling a bit peckish, head to Snafu between 5pm and 8pm this evening, and we'll feed you with humous, olives and pitta bread.

Oh...and there's live jazz from the Rendevous Dessouss Piano Trio.

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I once met a guy in a pub in Glasgow, who I got talking to and when he found out I lived in Aberdeen asked me to send him four rowies when i got back and gave me his address and a couple of quid.

I did so, but have no way of knowing if he ever got them and what condition they were in if so (I threw the address away when the mission was accomplished).

Personally i don't see what the fascination with those stodgy pieces of shit is - like a salty Yum Yum - basically a Yuk Yuk.

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