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David Hasselhoff's new music video


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Well at least he can take the piss out of himself. Or at least I hope he's taking the piss' date=' otherwise he's a bit of a twat.


Psht, had that on my MySpace page for months, I'm so cool :rolleyes:

I think that you'd have to have a good sense of humour to be David Hasslehoff, or William Shatner for that matter.

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Someone please explain the "legend" status that "The Hoff" seems to have gained over the past year?! I hadn't really considered the fucker's existence until the beginning of a steady deluge of "hoff" related e-mails into my inbox that began a year ago. A shit actor and a shit pop star better left in the past as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure he's now making megabucks again through advertising campaigns due to his unexplained rise in popularity. I thought his popularity in Germany as a pop star was something us cool brits could use as a scoffing weapon at Germans?! Ironic legend or a man to be respected?! I dinna get it either way.

I did watch that video though. At one point it sounds like the lassie's are saying "we know you're gay".

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