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Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 07

Guest Gasss

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I'm a big fan of the series though don't buy every update - my last game was 05 on the xbox. I don't mind games that run at a stable 25-30fps (Project Gotham 3) but frequently jarring between 60 and 15 fps really disrupts the game for me. I can't even look at it.

So far on the Xbox 360, games seem to be divided between ones that look like last gen games but run well (like Ridge Racer 6) and ones that look amazing in screenshots but have disgusting frame rates (most other games). A lot of reviews don't seem to make a big deal out of it but for me a stable framerate is essential to any feeling of immersion.

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Any idea if the frame rate issue is due to the limitations of the hardware, or if designers are just being useless?

It might be caused by the developers not being assed developing algorithms that don't render every single little detail at it's highest resolution (ie. grass in the distance doesn't need to be rendered the same as grass close to you because you can't even see it on the screen), so that may very well be a cause.

Wow, imagine achieving hardware limitations so early in the 360s life! It usually takes towards the end of the console's life to see what it is truly capable of, such as Tales of Phantasia/Star Ocean for SNES, Conker's Bad Fur Day for N64, and Kingdom Hearts II/Final Fantasy XII for PS2 etc.

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