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SILVERSTEIN plus support

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Thursday 29th November @ Moshulu


One would be hard-pressed to come up with a more fitting title for Silverstein's new album than Arrivals & Departures. After all, this Canadian band sold over 300,000 of their previous release, Discovering The Waterfront, on the strength of word-of-mouth and a nonstop touring schedule that saw them crisscrossing the globe. The full-throated rock passion that pervades all 11 songs on Arrivals & Departures emphatically depicts a band that has...well, arrived. Silverstein is about to depart the realm of grassroots phenomenon to enter the stratosphere of critical mass success.

It's been a long, but thrilling trip for this quintet, who came together in the Toronto suburb of Burlington, Ontario at the turn of the millennium. After putting out two of their own EPs, the band signed to Victory Records and released When Broken Is Easily Fixed, which raised eyebrows throughout North America as sales climbed well past 200,000. Showing no ill effects of any "sophomore jinx," Silverstein's follow-up Discovering The Waterfront did considerably better; now total Silverstein record sales are beyond a half-million. The band fueled that momentum by performing on a slew of major tours, from A Taste of Chaos and Warped in the States to the Give It A Name and Download festivals in England. They topped it all off with their first headlining tour of America-the sold-out Never Shave Again tour.

Age: +14



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