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interesting art


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Hmmf, that's a very upsetting story.

Wouldn't it have occurred to anyone to forcefully free the dog though? No matter what country it happened in, I'm sure someone would take pity on a dog being starved to death.

If it was korea they would probably be stoking the bbq and forming an orderly line with knife and fork in hand

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apparently increased stress and trauma just before death causes more adrenalin to be released which results in tastier meat though.

Scabby dog aside, I certainly couldn't stomach it despite this alleged marginal improvement in flavour.

That's not the point however. This dog was plucked from an already crappy life and given a worse one at the hands of someone who purposely tortured it in the name of art (and probably some cash) and likely chucked in a skip somewhere. Really awful.

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Scabby dog aside, I certainly couldn't stomach it despite this alleged marginal improvement in flavour.

That's not the point however. This dog was plucked from an already crappy life and given a worse one at the hands of someone who purposely tortured it in the name of art (and probably some cash) and likely chucked in a skip somewhere. Really awful.

at least it became famous though.

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This coming from someone who pertains to care for stopping racial stereotypes...

You are a bag of contradictions are you not!

It's not a racial stereotype, it's a fact that dogs (and cats) are eaten in Korea, it's wrong to assume that every culture should have the same moral qualms as our own.

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It's not a racial stereotype, it's a fact that dogs (and cats) are eaten in Korea, it's wrong to assume that every culture should have the same moral qualms as our own.

I guess the word "Probably" means that you are not speculating, and know for a fact that they are "stoking the bbq and forming an orderly line with knife and fork in hand"...

no, that's not a stereotypical guess at what all Koreans are like...(and I know that they do eat dog, I did watch "eating in the danger zone", but it was a bit less cartoon-like than your lovely portrayal)

where's my ginger wig and kilt, I'm off to hunt some haggis now...hooots mon.

aye. very good.

Just being as pedantic and arse picky as you, as we have all grown to love.

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Chain the fucker up and let him starve to death.

If an artist or volunteer choose to abuse himself in the name of art then so be it. When acting on/using another 'innocent' party (animal) that is something else and should be treated as such.

Too far!

I wish i could shake your hand for this comment, completley agree with you. The man is a sick cunt and deserves to be chained up and starved to death himself :swearing:

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Is that art? Hmmmmm....

I don't think the artist should have subjected a poor wee dog to that kind of cruelty. I have a suspicion that the artist was trying to address issues of human behaviour in his art ie. morality and social compliance. Questions such as to what extend do you obey your orders, and at what point do you ignore them? Although I agree this was sick and unnecessary, the artist does raise some interesting points. Anyone who went to that gallery could have fed the dog, but they didn't. Instead, they chose to obey the instructions of the artist not to feed it.

I think that the points that the artist is trying to get across are valid, but he went about it in completely the wrong way. He should have put himself in that gallery and not the wee dog.

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