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Top ska punk gig tonight!


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from The Wayriders...they'll piss all over that whitmore/jesse james shite...kinda like Less than Jake and Catch 22, this chester lot feature drummer from the excellent strikeout (and not so excellent unsanctum).. www.wayriders.com

support comes in the form of snotty pop punk n'roll from The No Pints www.thenopints.tk and more perhaps? i dunno...its only bout 2-3 and doors are at 9pm so please come down...

@ Cafe Drummonds!

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did you see them? they were later then i thought and rather wonderful...shame on everyone who missed em (unless you had to go get your bus) cos they were miles better then all the shite like jesse james and whitmore that everyone seems to go for (altho admittedly it was poorly advertised and there could have done with another band)...you best not miss the Supatones @ Drakes on the 23rd!

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Promoters with SAS skills in avoidance... I got in about 10 mintues before they played and the place was virtually empty.

They were really good, with catchy songs and enjoyable to watch. I would have bought their EP if I had more than 1.60 left...

But to piss over Jesse James and Whitmore, that's not exactly hard to do!

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