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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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I don't see why 'jock' should be any more acceptable than 'paki' or 'chink'. It is often used as a derogatory term. Scots just get on with it though. No-one gives a fuck about us.

Bananas from Asda are amazing. They can be that yellow with a small hint of green colour outside that I use as a gauge that I will enjoy them OK, as I hate unripe bananas but also ones that are going too brown, and yet ones from Asda still somehow manage to be practically rotten inside.

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The adverts on Comedy Central. I watched quite a lot of shitcoms over the weekend and at the start AND END of every single advert break they had the same three fucking adverts (Scrubs, Bank holiday movie weekend, and something else I've forgotten). I must have seen them all at least 10 times each, and they are all so fucking annoying it got to the stage I had to mute it every time the adverts came on because it was like Chinese water torture.

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People who are selling items online, they know how much they want to sell it for but refuse to tell anyone who might want to buy it just in case they get an offer that's higher than the price they were looking for. Grippy cunts.

Just ends up with post after post of

"how much do you want for it?"

"I'm not sure, make me an offer"

"well do you have a price in mind"

"Aye, make me an offer and I'll tell you if you're close"

Fuck sake. Tell them how much you want! Half the time they haven't even put any pictures up of the actual item ("go and google the model" doesn't count) or included important details like the make, model or an honest appraisal of it's condition.

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People who are selling items online, they know how much they want to sell it for but refuse to tell anyone who might want to buy it just in case they get an offer that's higher than the price they were looking for. Grippy cunts.

Just ends up with post after post of

"how much do you want for it?"

"I'm not sure, make me an offer"

"well do you have a price in mind"

"Aye, make me an offer and I'll tell you if you're close"

Fuck sake. Tell them how much you want! Half the time they haven't even put any pictures up of the actual item ("go and google the model" doesn't count) or included important details like the make, model or an honest appraisal of it's condition.

Make them rules of the nu-forum when it rolls round. :up:

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People who are selling items online, they know how much they want to sell it for but refuse to tell anyone who might want to buy it just in case they get an offer that's higher than the price they were looking for. Grippy cunts.

Just ends up with post after post of

"how much do you want for it?"

"I'm not sure, make me an offer"

"well do you have a price in mind"

"Aye, make me an offer and I'll tell you if you're close"

Fuck sake. Tell them how much you want! Half the time they haven't even put any pictures up of the actual item ("go and google the model" doesn't count) or included important details like the make, model or an honest appraisal of it's condition.

Man, I hate that shit as well, as soon as I see "offers" on anything I just shut it down. Name a price or fuck off.

(Cue someone pulling up a ton of threads where I've put things up with "offers" :up:)

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I don't like it when British people use American words and phrases. When did it become okay to say "Mom" or "Oh man, I'm so stoked" ?

I've heard local people referring to the Great British Pound as "Bucks" too. What a shower of shit.

I don't even want to think about the folk who refer to the police as the "feds". Annoying and inaccurate.

Shopping centres seem to be changing their name to "mall" too. Wank.

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Stoked I can undestand, but I went to an International school in the UAE when I was teenager. So fuck off.

Bucks can get fucked though. Also, its a gig, not a fucking show. Going to a show sounds like you're going to see some arse cunt retard ex Big Brother contestant in a pantomime.

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Also, its a gig, not a fucking show. Going to a show sounds like you're going to see some arse cunt retard ex Big Brother contestant in a pantomime.

That sounds like the average gig these days.

Personally, I don't like the word "gig" because it reminds me too much of Flight of the fucking Conchords now.

I'm all about "concert".

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That sounds like the average gig these days.

Personally, I don't like the word "gig" because it reminds me too much of Flight of the fucking Conchords now.

I'm all about "concert".

I only use concert for a relatively big gig. If I'm playing to 4 punters and a barmaid in tunnel 2 on a school night I don't ever want to hear it referred to as a 'concert'.

I admit I use show from time to time, I use a couple of americanisms but only instead of ones where the 'british' equivalent sounds naff to me. I don't like the words film or gig, so I say movie and show more often than not. (I hate how film ends up sounding with my broad peterheeeed accent - fillum). 'Bucks' is fucking shit though.

Guesstimate irks the living shout out of me, even if it's not an americanism. An estimate relies on facts and data - a guess is an off-the-cuff, wet-finger-in-the-air punt. You can't take an off the cuff punt based on data. Pick a fucking word and use it properly instead of using a portmanteau because it's a longer word thinking it makes you sound more articulate. It doesn't. It makes you sound like a funt!


EDIT; actually, I rarely say show. I only say show when I'm around other people who say show. If an event which I am attending has, earlier in the conversation, been dubbed 'show' I run with it. Otherwise, if there is music it's a gig, if it's comedy or anything else it's probably a show.

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Also, people who lack any sort of self awareness. The fat scruffy temp at work has been sat all day at his desk, blowing his nose as loud as humanly possible. It sounds like a comedy nose blow, and he's just done it, constantly, every 2 or 3 minutes, for 8 hours. Is it irrational that I wanted to suffocate him? Or at least want him to go do it out in the hall or in the bogs or something? I've never heard nose blowing so loud before. Once or twice an hour or so is tolerable, at the usual nose blowing volume, but constantly, for a full day, loud enough that it sounds like someone is blowing a turd through a trumpet. Fuck off. How much fucking snot have you got? Go home to bed, where I can't hear you die of your shitty cold.

The neighbours across the hall from me seem fine with screaming at their kids in the communal areas too, which included throwing their bike down the stairs, screaming about being late, or something. Not to mention the constant door slamming and just general loud as fuck conversations/arguments. Other people live here too, guys. Have a bit of respect? Or just don't be such a fucking cunt?

I guess this ties in with a previous pet hate of people who talk really loudly on phones in public places. I just couldn't switch off and be that ignorant to my surroundings. I don't even like having the telly on too loud, even though I have experienced first hand how much of a shitbag the upstairs neighbour can be, with his wank dance music and his general stamping around his house at all hours. Maybe it's because I'm just so fucking nice. Yeah, that's it.

Although sometimes I do lose my rag and play bass-heavy hip hop all day whilst I'm at work. If they've been partying all night, I also often make generic 'doing DIY' sounds before I leave for work, where I just bang on the walls and ceilings for a little bit with a long broom handle whilst I watch Daybreak and eat toast. I take back the 'nice'. I am a cunt, but I only reciprocate cuntiness.

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Just to clarify, the reposts of that Slutbags comment was just a wee joke, and so was the original post. Me and Lucky are cool, and there was nae malice.

How disappointing.

The original was one of my favourite quips on this website ever. That, and all the great tags.

Tags were great.

Bring back tags.

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The neighbours across the hall from me seem fine with screaming at their kids in the communal areas too, which included throwing their bike down the stairs, screaming about being late, or something. Not to mention the constant door slamming and just general loud as fuck conversations/arguments. Other people live here too, guys. Have a bit of respect? Or just don't be such a fucking cunt?

I guess this ties in with a previous pet hate of people who talk really loudly on phones in public places. I just couldn't switch off and be that ignorant to my surroundings. I don't even like having the telly on too loud, even though I have experienced first hand how much of a shitbag the upstairs neighbour can be, with his wank dance music and his general stamping around his house at all hours. Maybe it's because I'm just so fucking nice. Yeah, that's it.

Although sometimes I do lose my rag and play bass-heavy hip hop all day whilst I'm at work. If they've been partying all night, I also often make generic 'doing DIY' sounds before I leave for work, where I just bang on the walls and ceilings for a little bit with a long broom handle whilst I watch Daybreak and eat toast. I take back the 'nice'. I am a cunt, but I only reciprocate cuntiness.

Neighbours are shit. My first ever neighbours were ace. Everyone was friends and it was just the coolest. Then a junkie moved in downstairs which resulted in loads of junkies hanging around outside her door, police at the door and big massive dealers booting the door in. And they left the gate open which my dog would take full advantage of. Then someone got battered by a couple of junkies with massive bits of wood and she got evicted not long after that.

OH. Actually, not long before that she got a cat. Realised that a cat needs to piss and shit, and if you're a lazy junkie bastard, it's more than likely going to shit and piss on the floor. She came outside with it one day, just a kitten, and put it on a big of grass and walked away, leaving it to fend for itself. Me and my dad rescued it and phoned sspca. 'cause we're caring bastards.

She got evicted and a girl with a kid got put in, turns out she was a junkie too. GREAT.

She got booted a while later and was replaced by a couple, nice enough, but they had a massive rhodesian ridgeback. And they had a baby on the way. Oh and the guy was ill, so he tried to stab her and take the baby out of her. The left and got replaced by old neighbours we had who are ace. Who have the cutest kittens and ace kids. But the guy got in a fight recently with a junkie's brother who lives in the flat illegally.

Then of course when I got my own flat we had a neighbour who, if she wasn't' having a punch up with her man or drunkenly screaming at her kids, she was cheating on him very loudly. I probably would've, after hearing her, sounded very fun. But it's still fucking annoying when you're trying to sleep.

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