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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Also, choosing to study Sound Engineering, when i should have known it was a big mistake. Minimal pay for hours of dull and boring work. And no one wants to listen to you, they hire you, then tell you you're wrong. This is just a favour i'm doing as well. Fuck sake.

Life saving opportunities are limited too.

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I too hate getting paid for my time and labour. I absolutely love people drinking their expensive franchise coffee though. I hope it is making them warm and fuzzy inside. When someone tells me they can't function without a morning coffee, I tend to hug them and tell them it's going to be okay. They are the best people.

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Coffee in the morning is essential but any twat who buys one from some franchise can fuck off.

In my mind it's not even real coffee if it's not made by an elderly Italian coffee maestro using the finest cocoa beans from a south american country you probably haven't heard of and served in a small cup containing no more than 40ml. And it must be drunk outside sitting in an idyllic square next to a church so old it was built before religion existed.

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Landlords can go eat a dick.

One dick shared between them all? Like as a rite of passage you have to take a bite of this mammoth property-tycoon dick, tied into the shape of a pound sign?

Or eat a regular dick each.

Human, or animal?

I'd like to see them each chomp through a hippo dick. Would take them weeks to chew the skin up enough to swallow, if they ever manage atall.


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Drinking coffee in the morning is aceic.

Not being able to either have it at home pre-journey to work or do as I do and wait till you get to work and turning up at the train station with a thermos cup of coffee EVERY SINGLE MORNING is my pet hate. Savvy?

I used to stop in past the 'bucks for a nice strong coffee first thing so I at least had one decent coffee before spending the rest of the day drinking instant but luckily my current workplace has an awesome machine with beans and everything, totally free. This also belongs in the aceic thread.

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I take a flask of coffee made in a cafetiere to work every day, so I end up drinking about a litre of coffee before lunch. I imagine my insides are black.

Drinking a hot drink whilst out in the cold is pretty great. I salute these public coffee drinkers who don't succumb to the mad prices of the coffee franchises. Toot on, top chaps!

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I take a flask of coffee made in a cafetiere to work every day, so I end up drinking about a litre of coffee before lunch. I imagine my insides are black.

Drinking a hot drink whilst out in the cold is pretty great. I salute these public coffee drinkers who don't succumb to the mad prices of the coffee franchises. Toot on, top chaps!

Loads of people who use thermos mugs get discounted drinks at franchises though... or do it for the sake of the planet.

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